Player 1 |
#player1 Cesar_del_Solar Cesar del Solar
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Cesar_del_Solar: DENV 8G VEND +16 16
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGIIOO J5 GOO.IE +12 12
>Cesar_del_Solar: ?ABCINU H1 BACUlIN. +86 102
>Joshua_Sokol: AAISSTX K4 SIX +35 47
#note I didn't like this, but I didn't see anything I liked better. 11J SAX just closes the board, opens up a big scoring spot and scores only 29, whereas this shaped the board a bit better. I missed ATAXI(C)S for 36 at 3C. That's definitely the play.
>Cesar_del_Solar: IIII -IIII +0 102
#note although maybe ATAXICS would have given him something to play.
>Joshua_Sokol: AAARRST G7 A.A +11 58
#note This also seemed bad, but I needed a bingo and (V)ARA might allow him to block me, whereas this created a second lane to hit. G7 A(V)ATAR does the same thing as this, but creates a better board for me after a bingo and keeps a similarly strong leave.
>Cesar_del_Solar: ?AALNRT 1H .RANTAiL +80 182
>Joshua_Sokol: ALRRSTY 4K .ALTY +24 82
#note I was obsessed with keeping duplicates this game. (S)TRAY is definitely better. (A)RYL for 14 keeps the best leave, so I should probably do that to maximize my chances at hitting a first comeback bingo.
>Cesar_del_Solar: HLOP K10 HOLP +23 205
>Joshua_Sokol: EHNPRRS O3 H.PERS +42 124
#note alright well there go my S's
>Cesar_del_Solar: DEIRW 2J WEIRD +57 262
>Joshua_Sokol: EINRRTW N6 WEIR +32 156
#note he blocked my spot for 4 of 5 of the same letters!
>Cesar_del_Solar: MNOOTU M8 MOUTON +26 288
>Joshua_Sokol: DEGJNRT 4G J.G +11 167
#note I almost didn't do this because it blocked my best lane (column F). But I actually don't want to play a bingo there. I need multiple bingos and that space is important to leave open. I want to play a bingo that opens the left side of the board.
>Cesar_del_Solar: ACF L7 CAF +22 310
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEENRT L13 EN +7 174
#note couldn't see a better option. It's now or never, and this is a good hook to set up for me
>Cesar_del_Solar: EGIN 15L GIEN +27 337
>Joshua_Sokol: AADERTY 14N YA +22 196
>Cesar_del_Solar: FIRZ I10 FRIZ +35 372
>Joshua_Sokol: ADERSTV F9 ADVERTS +69 265
>Cesar_del_Solar: BEIMOTU 15F .UMO +18 390
>Joshua_Sokol: EIKOQTU 13C QUI.K +46 311
#note 12D OK(E) I guess to just try for something? I think
>Cesar_del_Solar: BEILOST D8 BOLET.S +24 414
#note -3 to 14B BIT
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEEOT O3 ......EED +25 336
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEEOT -- -25 311
#note dunno what I was doing... hehe
>Cesar_del_Solar: I 14C I. +13 427
>Cesar_del_Solar: (DEEEOT) +14 441