Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Kevin_Bowerman: II -II +0 0
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEILPT H4 PLAITED +76 76
#note Almost played TALIPED for 76. That wouldn't have worked out even though I was right in inferring that he didn't have an S.
>Kevin_Bowerman: AENORTW 10D TEAR.OWN +72 72
>Joshua_Sokol: FHNQRTT 6F TR.NQ +36 112
>Kevin_Bowerman: ACNOX 11C COXA +48 120
>Joshua_Sokol: DDFHIRT I9 F.RTH +28 140
#note missing F(O)RDID. That's a better play. Quackle prefers F(O)RDID ever so slightly, much less than I do.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ENORV 4H .ROVEN +22 142
>Joshua_Sokol: ?DDISYZ L10 SIZY +45 185
>Kevin_Bowerman: KMO K8 MO.K +32 174
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ADDEGO M1 DOG.ApED +72 257
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEFJ 5C JEFE +30 204
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGLRSU 1M .UG +15 272
#note had a bad feeling about this but it looked best. Kevin responded "well that makes my decision easier" and I knew it was a game. This is the best play because of the likelihood of me drawing an I.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?ACGIIN O1 .IGANtIC +86 290
>Joshua_Sokol: AEIILRS 8A LAIRIES. +77 349
>Kevin_Bowerman: NOO H13 ONO +14 304
>Joshua_Sokol: EHIIMSU 4D HIM +36 385
>Kevin_Bowerman: OVW 6B VOW +35 339
>Joshua_Sokol: BEIINSU K2 NE.US +31 416
#note just trying to outrun. I missed I2 BU(R)I(N) which is fine for balance and G10 (R)EIN which scores and retains possibilities of scoring in the next couple of turns. REIN is the best play.
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEY M13 EYE +22 361
>Joshua_Sokol: ABDIILP N11 LIPA +30 446
>Kevin_Bowerman: EELRTUU E10 ..ULT +12 373
>Joshua_Sokol: ABBDEIT G13 DIB +23 469
#note somehow missed his out despite sort of seeing it immediately. Also almost played BITAB(L)ED* A3. It's just BITABLE
>Kevin_Bowerman: AERSU 15A UREAS +31 404
#note or AURES!
>Kevin_Bowerman: (TABE) +12 416
Player 2
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