Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Tim_Weiss Tim Weiss
#player2 Mark_Francillon Mark Francillon
>Tim_Weiss: AADDKNP 8D PANDA +22 22
>Mark_Francillon: IX F8 .IX +26 26
>Tim_Weiss: DKLNOOV D8 .LONK +22 44
#note Setting up my O. Also VODKA, PONDOK.
>Mark_Francillon: ?ABEGIR H8 .BEARInG +83 109
>Tim_Weiss: DHIOOVW 13C VOW +30 74
>Mark_Francillon: AGMU B12 GAUM +24 133
>Tim_Weiss: DEHIJOO A14 OH +38 112
#note EMOJI for 66!
>Mark_Francillon: DEFNW 11G F.WNED +26 159
#note Ooh, forgot PANDA takes an N now
>Tim_Weiss: DEIJLOY E11 YO.L +36 148
>Mark_Francillon: BR 13G R.B +9 168
>Tim_Weiss: DEIIJSU L9 JE.I +24 172
>Mark_Francillon: AEHRSST I2 TRASHES +71 239
>Tim_Weiss: DEIOOSU M12 OU +6 178
>Mark_Francillon: ORTV M7 VROT +24 263
>Tim_Weiss: ADEFIOS 10K F..A +14 192
>Mark_Francillon: ADGU H1 GAUD +33 296
>Tim_Weiss: DEIMOSS O4 MISDOES +97 289
>Mark_Francillon: EE J6 EE +13 309
>Tim_Weiss: ?AINOPQ 5N Q. +11 300
#note Was annoyed he blocked QOPH, but there was a better play :(
>Mark_Francillon: AEEIIRT 15F AE.IRITE +60 369
>Tim_Weiss: ?AINOPZ 10B ZO. +32 332
>Mark_Francillon: CLTU K3 CULT +18 387
>Tim_Weiss: ?AIINPT 1A PAINTIn. +83 415
#note I found one!
>Mark_Francillon: CEILNRY A1 .RICEY +16 403
>Tim_Weiss: EENT 6A .ENTE +10 425
>Tim_Weiss: (LN) +4 429
Player 2
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