Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Heidi_Robertson Heidi Robertson
#player2 Fidelis_Olutu Fidelis Olutu
>Heidi_Robertson: AADEEUY 8E YAUD +16 16
>Fidelis_Olutu: CEIM 9F EMIC +26 26
>Heidi_Robertson: AEEELMO E5 EEL. +14 30
>Fidelis_Olutu: ATX F4 TAX +53 79
>Heidi_Robertson: ABELMOO D1 BLOOM +29 59
>Heidi_Robertson: ABELMOO -- -29 30
#note Mea culpa. I always think this is a word. :(
>Fidelis_Olutu: ?IINORT 4F .RITONIc +66 145
#note TRITONIC is not a word? It did make me pause for a millisecond, but it just seems so reasonable! *SIGH* :(
>Heidi_Robertson: ABELMOO H1 MOB.LE +30 60
>Fidelis_Olutu: APW D3 WAP +21 166
>Heidi_Robertson: AEEGHOQ C2 HOE +24 84
>Fidelis_Olutu: ?CDEENR 2G C.RNErED +74 240
>Heidi_Robertson: AEGIOQU I9 .OQUI +17 101
>Fidelis_Olutu: ANNO 1L ANON +22 262
>Heidi_Robertson: ADDEGGV -DGG +0 101
#note Still not seeing GU reflexively enough. GAVE would have been a fine play. Instead, I got frustrated. :(
>Fidelis_Olutu: AJLR B1 JARL +41 303
>Heidi_Robertson: ABDEEIV 11I .AID +28 129
>Fidelis_Olutu: EFINS A4 FINES +47 350
>Heidi_Robertson: ABEEFSV 10I .F +26 155
>Fidelis_Olutu: ISTZ B7 SITZ +37 387
>Fidelis_Olutu: GUV (challenge) +5 392
#note As a TWL player, I know I've been burned by SITZ. Now I've been burned from the other side in Collins. Yay me.
>Heidi_Robertson: ABEEOSV C10 ABOVE +31 186
>Fidelis_Olutu: GUV H13 GUV +24 416
>Heidi_Robertson: ADEGIST M8 AGISTED +87 273
>Fidelis_Olutu: NOSY 15A NOSY +44 460
>Fidelis_Olutu: OW (challenge) +5 465
#note Hoping ABOVES is not good, but knowing my chances are not good walking up to the computer.
>Heidi_Robertson: EHIKLPU 8L K.PH +54 327
>Fidelis_Olutu: OW D11 OW +24 489
>Heidi_Robertson: EGILRRU 14J GUI.ER +24 351
#note I guess GLUE is a better play but I think I need to get rid of more tiles. These gaps in strategic judgement can be costly, though this one makes no difference to the outcome.
>Fidelis_Olutu: AERTT E10 TREAT +26 515
>Fidelis_Olutu: (LR) +4 519
Player 2
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