Player 1 |
#player1 JasonB JasonB
#player2 Jeremy Jeremy
>JasonB: OVX 8G VOX +26 26
>Jeremy: DEOOOTU 7I OUTDO +18 18
#note: I7 OXO. -7.1 equity. I nearly played it, but I know the perils of keeping a U, and went for turnover instead.
>JasonB: EEMU 8L EMEU +29 55
>Jeremy: EEGOORT 9I OGEE +21 39
#note best
>JasonB: ILOP K3 PILO. +14 69
>Jeremy: IORSTWY L1 YWIS +36 75
#note best
>JasonB: AFL 3K ..LAF +20 89
>Jeremy: AEKOQRT 1L .OKE +33 108
#note best. This leave is actually somewhat bingo prone with an open U on the board. There are also two places I can ditch the Q if I draw poorly.
>JasonB: EIW G6 WI.E +12 101
>Jeremy: AAENQRT F5 QAT +23 131
#note best
>JasonB: AGHINRY F9 AHI +16 117
>Jeremy: AAEGMNR E9 GAMA +31 162
#note I start plunking down E9 MANAGER, but pick it up when I notice NI*. I am leary of the H1 plays RAGMAN, GERMAN, MANAGE (and I didn't know MEGARA). It just seems like Jason has had enough turns to build himself a bingo rack by now. I go with my gut and play a bit more defensively. H1 RAGMAN is best. -10.2
>JasonB: HIIL D12 HILI +26 143
>Jeremy: EFINNRZ 15C F.NNIER +30 192
#note I'm fairly certain such a brazen board opening play with both blanks unseen is a sign that Jason is holding a blank tile. I feel like blocking again and I go with my gut. Best is 10K FRIZ. -3.7
>JasonB: ABP C11 BAP +28 171
>Jeremy: ?DERRUZ H12 DUR. +7 199
#note 10L DURR gives me access to a 6-letter Z word to a TWS. -9.0 equity.
>JasonB: CDT 13G D.CT +12 183
>Jeremy: ?EIORRZ O6 cR.ZEIRO +67 266
#note O5 fRO(U)ZIER doesn't allow an S hook. I'm still happy to have found this bingo. -1.1 equity.
>JasonB: ACELNRT 6E L.. +6 189
>Jeremy: AEEIOTU 6B OUT... +11 277
#note I will infer from his play that Jason has an S for this sim. If you are paying attention, you will notice the vowel consonant distribution is very consonant heavy right about now. I can turn this into my favor by covering up vowels making it hard for Jason to get points. Best is 14F EU(R)O. -17.2 equity points.
>JasonB: ?AEGNST B1 nEGAT.NS +66 255
>Jeremy: AEEEINY N10 YA +28 305
#note 14A J plays are about my only worry now. Just one A unseen. Jason doesn't know I hold the rest of the vowels. Quack likes A3 AYE for that reason. I figure I'm knocking down his score in future plays by taking this spot. As it turns out, my play has a higher valuation but just a 96.42 win percent. A3 AYE is best with a 99.81% win taking out the J threat.
>JasonB: BJS 4A J.BS +42 297
>Jeremy: ACEEEIN A8 ICE +21 326
#note N1 (K)E(A). -22.3 equity. Might as well go for one of those consonants for a bingo says Quackle. Jason can block the A column so might as well chance it.
>JasonB: DNNRRTV N1 .N.RR +18 315
>Jeremy: AEENN 3B .AEN +20 346
#note tied best with A1 EN
>JasonB: DSTV 10D D..S +19 334
>Jeremy: EN A1 EN +11 357
#note best. -70.6 equity on the game
>Jeremy: (TV) +10 367