Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Dean_Saldanha Dean Saldanha
>Joshua_Sokol: BDEEELR H4 BLEEDER +76 76
>Dean_Saldanha: AHH G7 HAH +38 38
>Joshua_Sokol: AGGIITT 10G A.TIGI +19 95
#note GIGA(B)IT. Saw it after I hit the clock but wasn't sure it was good.
>Dean_Saldanha: AMR I5 ARM +23 61
>Joshua_Sokol: EGGINRU J4 URGE +29 124
#note unfortunately blind to G(URGE) for the rest of the game, lucky all the G's were gone early.
>Dean_Saldanha: AAENRST L5 RATAN.ES +68 129
>Joshua_Sokol: GILNOUX 8L .XIL +33 157
#note too chicken to play M8 XU and AXON sims better
>Dean_Saldanha: NVY N7 V.NY +18 147
>Joshua_Sokol: ?GNORUU 5D UNGU... +16 173
#note UNGROUPS!!! It was almost aligned on my rack too. Looked for a few minutes. Sim prefers just dropping the U at M8 as well.
>Dean_Saldanha: FILM 4A FILM +34 181
>Joshua_Sokol: ??EIORZ O10 OoZIER +77 250
#note Is my lead more manageable after this or after (F)ROu/wZIEr?
I didn't see the bingos, didn't really look since this seemed probably better than anything other than a 3x3.
The bingos are better for board control, and my play is better for pure outrunning.
>Dean_Saldanha: DLOY B2 DO.LY +34 215
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CDOOOS K10 .OOD +18 268
#note HAHAS was good, completely unbeknownst to me. I really should have seen FROuZIEr...
>Dean_Saldanha: CENOT A6 ONCET +26 241
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ACOOSW N14 WO +22 290
#note C2 OW(L) was a miss. COW(L) is better as well. Hesitated between this and M6 WA(X). Not playing very well at all this game!
>Dean_Saldanha: IQ A1 QI +36 277
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AACEOS 7L .A. +17 307
#note 3 more missed bingos to add to my failures
>Dean_Saldanha: DEIOSST M13 DOT +17 294
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ACEIOS 14E COdEIAS +69 376
#note COAdIES is better. Far better as we will witness. This is the worst of the 4 bingos available. I didn't see COI(N)AgES at E2.
>Dean_Saldanha: EJS H12 JE.S +57 351
>Joshua_Sokol: BEFIPRV B9 FIBRE +21 397
#note at least I got this one right. Blocking and not giving too much back, since the score is too close.
>Dean_Saldanha: EINNSTU K3 UN +4 355
#note definitely the right play, believe this was his rack.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEKPPTV 3J P.KE +28 425
>Dean_Saldanha: AEINSTW A12 ANEW +29 384
>Joshua_Sokol: APTV C13 TAV +18 443
#note since neither I nor Dean knew SPURGE, I think Dean's play was C13 NU here for 8. Sets up another lane and he can still hit S(URGE) plays although I will always block the bottom left. With UN he could hit ENTASTI(C) and INSTAN(C)E and stuff.
>Dean_Saldanha: IST N1 TIS +17 401
#note -4 to F5 (G)ITS
>Dean_Saldanha: (P) +6 407