Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Deen_Hergott Deen Hergott
>Joshua_Sokol: DEKLUUY H7 KUDU +18 18
#note I really misplayed this entire game. Firstly, I correctly assessed that DELU was a superior leave to ELY, but then I still decided that KUDU would be better for me, because I wanted good re-overlapping potential instead of better bingo potential and worse possible overlaps for Deen. Well, I cost myself the chance of getting an early lead by doing this.
>Deen_Hergott: AEX G9 AXE +24 24
>Joshua_Sokol: CEILOPY 12E POLICY +25 43
#note I probably would have drawn into a bingo after YUK. COUPLED, or something. I was already on tilt here, because I didn't know if COPYLIKE* was valid. I ultimately decided it was not, but not at the cost of a severe headache of waffling between imagining the green or the red zyzzyva adjudication screen.

CLYPEI is not a word I recognize, but it plays for 3 more points in the same spot. Still, keeping the E and creating a difficult strategic board is both a better idea and more my playstyle. There are no good scoring spots after this play, and most plays will go underneath the PO on row 13, which I can work with.
>Deen_Hergott: DEHU 13C HUED +23 47
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEIIOT 11B IODAT. +28 71
>Deen_Hergott: ?AILSTT I3 TAlLITS +73 120
#note nice find, only outscored by 8H (U)LTrAIST. That looks better here, because despite it blowing the board open, it doesn't create such a big snapback spot for me to equalize the score with as TALlITS does. This is payback for me gettting away with OVERTALL* against somone from Ottawa two years ago! Learn your TALL words!
>Joshua_Sokol: BEFFGIM 11J BIFF +31 102
#note Deen's mistake works out well for him, as being on tilt prevented me from seeing the only 4-letter word that played at H1. That is much better than anything else here.
>Deen_Hergott: AEGN H1 GAEN +23 143
#note Lucky he couldn't do more damage there himself. Or maybe he could: this annotation process tends to be a one-way street and I am doing myself no favours by getting down on myself for screwing up!

Just kidding, getting down on myself is the only way I have gotten so far in Scrabble.

The night is dark and full of terrors, but the morning is bright and full of feathers, or something soft
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGMNOO 10J AGO +24 126
#note this position sucked. 3C OOGAM(ET)E is a nice play, but it doesn't seem like a good play. Maybe it's the best I've got even though it really exhausts the board. This isn't good either.
>Deen_Hergott: HIP 10B PHI +32 175
>Joshua_Sokol: AEMNOOR L9 M..O +18 144
#note Blocking MAROONE(D)? Now I'm pissed. I laid down MOOR J4 after deciding that was better than MOON because of the floating G and the extra R in the pool that I risked duplicating. Then it looked like Deen had seen it giving him a good play, and I decided he had the X. THE X. THE X IS GONE. But I still decided he had it. And that I couldn't give him a spot for it. Tilt and psychological warfare destroyed me this game. Kudos to Deen for completely screwing with my head.
>Deen_Hergott: EERY M6 EERY +23 198
#note Furthermore I believed he was setting his X up here. I mean come on. Get with the picture Josh.
>Joshua_Sokol: AENNORU L2 NEURON +16 160
#note This is probably another 5 points worse. That's 15 points I sacrificed in two turns because I believed Deen was holding a tile that was already in play.
>Deen_Hergott: ACIV 2J VI.CA +36 234
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEELST 1B STEALA.E +60 220
#note luckboxed
>Deen_Hergott: ERST 13J ERST +27 261
>Joshua_Sokol: EIIORWW K6 WOW +18 238
#note I had somehow now forgotten that Deen was supposed to have the X. A tool with short-term memory loss. That's what I was this game.

Anyways, with all the remaining consonants I deemed it necessary to unload my W's and hope for a bingo ending in IER or an 8 beginning on row 1.

I did not want to mess with the left side, as it was a very good board for someone needing an unlikely bingo to come back.

I did though consider f6 WEIR, and perhaps I can outscore sometimes after that. Hmm. Probably would have worked out better.
>Deen_Hergott: NNNQ -NNNQ +0 261
>Joshua_Sokol: EIIOORR 2D REI +13 251
#note totally confused here. I probably should have exchanged myself, but I didn't want him to draw any vowels.

I was also scared of making a play like 14M OI, but I think that's actually correct even though it forces Deen's hand more than I wanted to. This was just my best scoring play, and that's why I played it. It did not work out. It was not good.
>Deen_Hergott: AZ 1N ZA +44 305
>Joshua_Sokol: ?DILOOR H12 .DOL +15 266
#note that was an incredibly fortunate draw though, and now I am in pretty decent shape.
>Deen_Hergott: EEJR F6 JEER +32 337
>Joshua_Sokol: ?IMNNOR 3G N.. +4 270
#note But this position was disheartening. I thought that I would win if I drew the G and he blocked the wrong spot, and he was low on time so that was a possibility, but I miscounted. I was livid. I can win after C9 M(HO) if I draw the S, which hits (S)NORINGS and (L)INURONS, and just manages to outrun. I can also win if I draw the V after the M fish and he fails to block the L, giving me NONRIVA(L)/NONVIRA(L).

Also, B10 (PI)N is one more, but is worse in endgames in which I don't draw a bingo, because I leave him with his V(ET) spot.
>Deen_Hergott: BINQSTV 14B QIS +31 368
#note A lot worse than 2A QI, which blocks my bingo, but still ekes out the win.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?GIMNOR B1 .tORMING +74 344
>Joshua_Sokol: (BVNT) +18 362
#note Wish you all witnessed me storming out of the room.

Not literally, but I was very angry at myself when I realized the X had been played on Deen's first move.
Player 2
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