Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Player1 Player1
#player2 Player2 Player2
>Player1: CEIMPRZ 8D PRIZE +38 38
#note Trying to hit COMPRIZE.
>Player2: ABCEIRR E5 BAR.IER +36 36
#note While ARB, ABRI, and CARRIER are worth considering, they're all not *quite* worth it.
>Player1: CEEMORT H8 .CTOMERE +95 133
#note It's easy to get tunnel vision.
>Player2: CEEGINS 11E .EC.GNISE +74 110
#note While this is certainly more open, that's not a bad thing when behind.
>Player1: EHLNNRT F6 NE.TH.R +41 174
>Player2: AHINORW G11 .AHOW +38 148
>Player1: AELNOPY D4 PANO.LY +50 224
>Player2: ?EINNRS 8D .....wINNERS +119 267
>Player1: DEIMNOT 14B MONIT..ED +86 310
>Player2: FFJLOUX 13C JO +38 305
>Player1: ADLOQTU 7J QUOTA +35 345
#note While other plays such as QAT and QUOD have better combinations of points and leave, QUOTA creates the most desirable entropy while still scoring well and keeping a decent leave.
>Player2: FFGLOUX 15A FUG +36 341
#note While FOX scores far more points, the spot for FOX is likely to stay put, while the spot for FUG will likely be taken for a big score.
>Player1: ADEILLV N6 V..IED +34 379
#note Again, we're taking out the best bingo and scoring spot while closing the board, decreasing entropy heavily. While it's only a 38 point lead, this lead is commanding at this point.
>Player2: EFIKLOX 15J OXLIKE +57 398
#note While FOX feels automatic, there is a better alternative.
>Player1: ABEILLW 13G ..WABLE +51 430
#note Because of this board, finding this play is vital. This play makes you a heavy favorite, but any other play would make you an underdog.
>Player2: ?FIOSTU C2 FOU +16 414
#note Despite the blank and S, this is a fairly desperate scenario, only make reasonable by the ON at l7 (without that, this position would actually by quite dire). FOU hits a lot of -TIONS words which will likely win the game. While TOFU gives you better options in terms of leaving a lane open and OUT c3 somewhat forks the board, the T is too useful at l5.
>Player1: AADISTU B1 AIDS +28 458
#note Here, emptying the bag is crucial, as you can't allow your opponent to continuously fish with a play such as ADORE. AIDS scores well while leaving limited bingo options, forcing your opponent to draw a bingo if they want to win.
>Player2: ?ADISTY G2 eDITS +11 425
#note A clever setup in the endgame leaving two spots for AY/YA, but it's not enough.
>Player1: AAGLTUV A1 AGA +29 487
>Player2: AY F2 YA +28 453
>Player2: (LTUV) +14 467
Player 2
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