Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Player1 Player1
#player2 Player2 Player2
>Player1: AEGJLRU 8D JUGAL +42 42
#note Standard.
>Player2: AAKOSYZ 7G KAYO +33 33
#note While the ZO spot will get blocked most of the time, it's still worth playing since it limits your opponents options elsewhere on the board, and it's hard for your opponent to score 40+ using that spot.
>Player1: AFIMOPY 6F FOAMY +59 101
#note A non-obvious parallel, especially given MYOPIA 8j.
>Player2: ACNOSUZ 8A CON..... +54 87
>Player1: AACIMNP 8J MANIAC +41 142
>Player2: AQSUUVZ F8 .UV +15 102
#note Despite the sacrifice in points, AQSUZ can get significantly stronger on future turns.
>Player1: AAGOPRT L1 TRAGOPA. +74 216
>Player2: ABIQSUZ 7L .B +14 116
#note While this seems crazy, you're likely to get 2 or even 3 shots to fish here, and other plays like QUBIT/ZARIS don't have that much hope here, making this fish for CAZIQUES in two spots very reasonable. Yes, you might have to fish for this multiple times, but there are also some backup plays even if you miss.
>Player1: EFIOTUX 1J OU.FIT +27 243
#note Setups are often a great way to mitigate fishing or other setups.
>Player2: AHIQSUZ J1 .H +13 129
#note At this point you're pretty committed. QUASH just isn't going to work much, and while you're in a lot of trouble if you don't hit, you're running out of options.
>Player1: AEHILOX M5 HA..LE +21 264
#note A nice double X setup to assure you have a lead, almost no matter what.
>Player2: AIPQSUZ K3 ZAP +58 187
#note While you could consider POH, this is just too much to sacrifice, especially with two blanks out. QUIS can easily score huge, and taking out the OX threat is significant.
>Player1: EIORTWX N10 XI +50 314
>Player2: EIQSTTU O11 SQUIT +74 261
#note Leaving a much better board than after QUINTETS.
>Player1: EEORTWW L10 WOWEE +35 349
#note The Es aren't so useful given this pool, and you want to induce parallels that can kill the botom right quadrant of the board.
>Player2: EEEIRRT 1H RE...... +33 294
#note Reopening the top left makes this a stronger play than ZAIRE.
>Player1: BEEILRT D8 .ERBIL +30 379
#note The process of restricting the bottom left begins.
>Player2: EEIINRT 2B NITERIE +70 364
>Player1: DEEGNST 12C S.GNETED +61 440
>Player2: ?DEILNR A8 .hILDREN +86 450
>Player1: EIOOSTV 13C O.IOS +24 464
#note The best play, giving you two good VET spots.
>Player2: ?DDENRS 1A SiDED +31 481
>Player1: ETV 3E VET +19 483
>Player1: (NR) +4 487
Player 2
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