Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Mythili_Rudra Mythili Rudra
>Peter_Kougi: CEGILNV -CV +0 0
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
best *xch CV 0 54.36% LEING
1.26 8F CIVE 18 53.79% LNG
1.66 xch V 0 53.60% CLEING
2.25 8E GIVEN 18 53.37% CL
2.21 8F VICE 18 53.29% LNG
2.48 8D GIVEN 22 53.19% CL
3.92 8F VIG 14 52.62% CLEN
4.73 8E CIVE 18 52.30% LNG
5.46 8F LEV 12 51.94% CING
5.34 8G LEV 12 51.89% CING

>Mythili_Rudra: AIJRRSY 8D LORDERS +68 68
>Mythili_Rudra: AIJRRSY -- -68 0
>Peter_Kougi: EEGILNT -E +0 0
Surely not bingoing is best here
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 8)
best 8D GENTILE 70 71.98%
1.49 8B GENTILE 68 71.42%
3.23 8E GENTILE 66 70.74%
3.55 8G GENTILE 68 70.63%
7.78 8F GENTILE 68 69.11%
8.09 8C GENTILE 68 68.97%
7.18 8H GENTILE 68 68.70%
38.5*xch E 0 56.60% GNILET

>Mythili_Rudra: II -II +0 0
>Peter_Kougi: EGILNTZ 8D ZINGEL +52 52
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
best *8D ZINGEL 52 65.13% T

0.382 8H GLITZ 50 65.01% NE

12.1 8G ZINGEL 34 60.25% T

15.0 8C ZINGEL 34 58.96% T

15.6 8G GLITZ 30 58.90% NE

16.1 8G LEZ 24 58.48% INGT

16.6 8H ZINGEL 34 58.32% T

17.5 8G TIZ 24 57.89% NGEL

19.2 8D GLITZ 34 57.32% NE

19.4 8G ZIG 26 57.11% NETL

>Mythili_Rudra: EJST J6 JEST +44 44
>Peter_Kougi: AAAITVX K1 ATAXIA +35 87
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 5)
best 9B AVA 21 56.69% AITX

1.17 K4 AVA 21 56.31% AITX

1.27 K5 TAX 38 56.30% AAIV

1.48 F5 AVA(N)TI 19 56.30% AX

1.85*K1 ATAXIA 35 55.93% V

2.79 9A TAVA 22 55.73% AIX

4.86 9B VIA 18 54.75% AATX

5.62 K4 VIA 21 54.24% AATX

6.30 9A TAXA 30 54.06% AIV

6.36 K3 VITA 23 54.05% AAX

>Mythili_Rudra: DEGHPR 1I GR.PHED +51 95
>Peter_Kougi: EILRRTV L3 LITRE +42 129
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
best *L3 LITRE 42 52.28% RV

0.196 L3 RIT 28 52.00% ELRV

2.39 3J V(A)IR 14 51.11% ELRT

4.26 L6 RIVER 22 50.10% LT

4.25 N1 (E)RVIL 16 50.07% ERT

4.37 4I VE(X)IL 30 50.02% RRT

4.60 L6 RIVEL 22 49.90% RT

4.97 N1 (E)VILER 22 49.73% RT

5.42 L3 LIT 28 49.41% ERRV

6.08 M1 (H)IVER 22 49.28% LRT

>Mythili_Rudra: BHO M1 .OB +26 121
>Peter_Kougi: ?RRSTVV -RVV +0 129
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 5)
best H7 V(E)RT 7 68.33% RSV?
3.99 E7 V(I)VeR 20 66.06% RST

5.37 xch RRVV 0 65.17% ST?

7.13 H7 V(E)RTS 8 64.61% RV?

6.44*xch RVV 0 64.52% RST?

7.07 xch RSTVV 0 64.38% R?

7.12 xch RRTVV 0 64.27% S?

7.76 H7 V(E)RST 8 64.00% RV?

7.59 xch RTVV 0 63.96% RS?

8.73 xch RSVV 0 63.36% RT?

>Mythili_Rudra: IQ F6 QI. +32 153
>Peter_Kougi: ??EERST D4 TwEE.eRS +80 209
#note Once in a lifetime opportunity gone
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 8)
best 1C STEREo(GRAPHED) 60 78.91% ?
2.45 1E TElE(GRAPHED) 51 78.05% RS?
12.7 D3 ERSaT(Z)Es 80 72.71%
12.7 D4 pRET(Z)ElS 80 72.27%
14.2 D3 ERsaT(Z)ES 80 72.25%
12.6 D8 (Z)ESTER 30 72.07% ??
13.3 D4 SElT(Z)ERs 80 71.98%
13.6*D4 TwEE(Z)eRS 80 71.73%
14.5 D4 TweE(Z)ERS 80 71.65%
14.8 D4 TwEe(Z)ERS 80 71.53%

>Mythili_Rudra: ACELNUY 10F DENAY +44 197
>Mythili_Rudra: ACELNUY -- -44 153
>Peter_Kougi: DIINRSW G3 WIRIN. +29 238
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
best *G3 WIRIN(G) 29 89.98% DS
1.49 G5 WIN(G) 23 88.77% RDIS
5.49 10F WINDS 33 88.57% RI

3.66 G4 WRIN(G) 24 88.05% DIS
6.07 10H WIS 22 87.66% RDIN
5.44 E11 IWI 16 87.43% RDNS
7.52 G3 WISIN(G) 29 87.19% RD
7.31 10G WINS 23 87.16% RDI
11.1 G3 WIRIN(G)S 31 86.59% D
9.70 9A WID(e) 9 86.51% RINS

>Mythili_Rudra: ACELNUY 8L DENY +39 192
>Mythili_Rudra: ACELNUY -- -39 153
>Peter_Kougi: DEFLOSU I7 F.U +23 261
#note Lol nice

--Championship Player's choices (your play: 4)
4.54 10F FLOUSED 85 99.65%

best M7 FLOUSED 91 99.64%

0.725 M7 DEFOULS 89 99.54%

40.5*I7 F(L)U 23 96.71% LODES

>Mythili_Rudra: ACELNUY 7C Y. +9 162
>Peter_Kougi: DEKLOSY B2 YOLKED +39 300
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 2)
best F2 YOK 29 98.91% LEDS

11.1*B2 YOLKED 39 98.85% S

13.7 10F YOKES 43 98.58% LD

15.9 10F DYKES 40 98.57% OL

11.6 B6 YOLK 25 98.44% EDS

8.53 B6 YOK 24 98.42% LEDS

18.5 B6 YOLKED 30 98.41% S

16.7 B4 YOKED 29 98.36% LS

18.3 B6 YOKEL 28 98.27% DS

21.4 B3 YOLKED 30 98.23% S

>Mythili_Rudra: ADEFINT M7 FAINTED +91 253
>Peter_Kougi: AEILRSW K9 SWALIER +73 373
#note WTF

--Championship Player's choices (your play: 2)
best C9 WAILERS 90 99.49%

21.7*K9 SWALIER 73 97.30%

>Mythili_Rudra: EMOV 15G MOVE. +30 283
>Peter_Kougi: AAAEERU C10 AURAE +14 387
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 4)
4.85 10B AU(R)AE 9 99.17% RAE
best C2 AUA 18 99.15% REAE
4.98 C2 AREA 26 98.82% UAE

15.0*C10 AURAE 14 98.81% AE

16.3 C11 AURAE 12 98.69% AE

7.52 C2 UREA 26 98.64% AAE

9.03 N3 AUA 9 98.63% REAE

3.42 F1 AUA 10 98.58% REAE

14.5 14E AUA 9 98.57% REAE

13.2 E1 AURAE 14 98.51% AE

>Mythili_Rudra: ACPT N1 .PACT +32 315
>Peter_Kougi: ADEINNO O5 ANION +17 404
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 3)
best N10 EONIAN 27 100.0% D

0.900 O5 ONDINE 23 100.0% A

6.73*O5 ANION 17 100.0% ED

9.48 A1 NONE 25 100.0% AID

12.6 O5 EONIAN 20 100.0% D

13.0 N9 DAINE 22 100.0% ON

13.6 B11 NODE 22 100.0% AIN

16.3 A1 DONE 28 100.0% AIN

17.4 C2 ODEA 30 100.0% NIN

18.0 N11 ANION 17 100.0% ED

>Mythili_Rudra: MOV A1 VOM +33 348
>Peter_Kougi: BDENOOU B10 BOUND +52 456
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
best *B10 BOUND 52 100.0% OE
4.00 B10 BOOED 52 100.0% UN
7.00 B10 BOUNED 52 100.0% O

19.0 E10 BEDU 25 100.0% OON
23.0 B10 BOUN 30 100.0% ODE
24.0 14C (E)NDUE 12 100.0% BOO
27.0 14F DUN 14 100.0% BOOE
27.0 B10 BOON 30 100.0% UDE
35.0 14F DOO 14 100.0% BUEN
49.0 14E ODE 12 100.0% BOUN

>Mythili_Rudra: CGHOSU 2D HUGS +23 371
>Mythili_Rudra: CGHOSU -- -23 348
>Peter_Kougi: EO C3 OE +17 473
--Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
best *C3 OE 17 100.0%

6.00 N9 OE 11 100.0%

7.00 A14 OE 10 100.0%

7.00 N10 OE 10 100.0%

8.00 10H OE 9 100.0%

9.00 14F OE 8 100.0%

9.00 H4 OE 8 100.0%

9.00 E4 OE 8 100.0%

9.00 C1 OE 8 100.0%

>Peter_Kougi: (CGHOSU) +24 497
Player 2
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