Player 1 |
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Diane_Firstman Diane Firstman
>Jackson: ALMPSTW H7 PAWL +18 18
#note didn't like swamp and swinging the S there...
>Diane_Firstman: EHOY 10F HO.EY +27 27
>Jackson: GMMOQST -GMMOQ +0 18
#note should probably play through here with MOMS or SMOG. moms has the slight advantage of a parallel or reparallel of QAT with an A draw, and likely a better QI possibility.
>Diane_Firstman: AABL I5 BAAL +14 41
>Jackson: IJRSTUU 6I .JI +26 44
#note wasn't sure of JURIST, which is a lot better.
>Diane_Firstman: ABEEIUY F10 .A +5 46
>Jackson: AFRSTUU E11 FUR +22 66
>Diane_Firstman: ?AEQSST 13A SQuA.EST +84 130
#note AcQ(U)ESTS is cool. I would probably play through with QAT or QATS here if I missed the bingo
>Jackson: AMSTTTU 5K MUTT +20 86
#note Type a note
>Diane_Firstman: ?AIOOOR M2 OrA.ORIO +68 198
>Jackson: ABNSSTT 8L B.TS +27 113
#note I love putting S's in these kinds of places cause it's hard to block but also a great lane for me
>Diane_Firstman: EIPTW A8 PEWIT. +36 234
>Jackson: ACGINST O6 CA.TINGS +63 176
#note I need to play ACTINGS here
>Diane_Firstman: DEX 11I DEX +30 264
>Jackson: CEGINNO G8 GO.N +22 198
>Diane_Firstman: EEKL B6 KEEL +24 288
>Jackson: CEFIINO H12 O.IC +21 219
>Diane_Firstman: EEZ F6 ZEE +37 325
>Jackson: EEFINNY 3G ENFINE.Y +68 287
#note phony, I need a miracle here
>Diane_Firstman: HM 12D H.M +35 360
>Jackson: AEIIORU 2J OI +10 297
#note considered exch IOU here, though I definitely need points otherwise she'll outrun. going for DN draw here, or something like curarine
>Diane_Firstman: RV G2 R.V +6 366
>Jackson: ADDEIRU K11 .U +9 306
#note rev is just the kind of play I was hoping for here, cause there are still two lanes open I can hope to hit. keeping ADDEIR, if I draw an N I get CANDIDER for 89, and DRAINED C3 for 94. Q prefers (Q)UA or RUDD keeping AEI.
>Diane_Firstman: AGNR C5 RANG +21 387
>Jackson: ADDEILR 15H .LADDIER +92 398
#note nothing seems to win, so I'm hoping she misses an out of mine and thinks she has a small win. she accepted this (claddier*) once she saw 2b driver
>Diane_Firstman: DEINRUV 2B DRIVE. +24 411
#note one of two wins, d1 drive being the other!
I missed a lot of good opportunities this game, exchanging early on was a mistake, not playing JURIST and ACTINGS.
>Jackson: O 8K O.... +7 405
>Jackson: (NU) +4 409