Player 1 |
#player1 Ricky_Sirois Ricky Sirois
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Ricky_Sirois: EEFJ 8G JEFE +28 28
>Joshua_Sokol: CEEMOTZ 9F COMET +33 33
>Ricky_Sirois: NORW 7J WORN +14 42
>Joshua_Sokol: AELOTUZ 10G TOEA +36 69
#note I missed a terrific 10I ZA, which obviously doesn't do as well for me next turn as TOEA does, but positively blocks the bottom left, instead of creating new hooks. But it's easy to just play ZAP or ZAG and scored downwards, so it's actually not a great play. I figured that I was leaving an A and an S hook, so I would likely be able to utilise the opening I created, and therefore wasn't giving him something to go for that I couldn't block. 8A AZO was my first idea, and that's probably standard here. I think I should have gone with that. AZO and TOEA are flipflopping on a sim
>Ricky_Sirois: COPS 11D COPS +27 69
#note I smell trouble
>Joshua_Sokol: ILMRTUZ D8 MUL.T +24 93
#note I guess I didn't sniff strongly enough. I was managing the S hook and I gave him a good spot to go... Just F11 (P)UTZ is fine. STOP KEEPING THE Z EVERY GAME JOSH IT DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE
>Ricky_Sirois: ?EGLRTY E2 GREaTLY +77 146
>Joshua_Sokol: ADIIIRZ 4A ZAIR. +48 141
#note ooh that was a bad draw there. Shouldn't have made a mistake. M2 DIAZI(N) looks like a good alternative if I expect to draw rather poorly the rest of the game.
>Ricky_Sirois: ILNY 2B LIN.Y +34 180
#note couldn't use the spot. Hooray.
>Joshua_Sokol: BDIIINU 1F BIDI +28 169
>Ricky_Sirois: ARX 1A RAX +41 221
>Joshua_Sokol: BEIINOU A4 .INEB +48 217
>Ricky_Sirois: AEVW L3 WAVE. +22 243
>Joshua_Sokol: DIKNOTU 3I OUT.IND +24 241
>Ricky_Sirois: IV O1 VI. +21 264
>Joshua_Sokol: AEKLNQS J2 Q.A +32 273
#note Alternatively keep the Q, hope for an A or a U for next turn and play SANK.
>Ricky_Sirois: GHU 8M UGH +23 287
>Joshua_Sokol: EEKLNRS N2 K.EEL +34 307
#note But I think my second mistake was next turn
>Ricky_Sirois: AADEEOS 5J DE. +28 315
>Joshua_Sokol: INORRSU B8 OUR +9 316
#note oh wow, this was just fine after all. yay for 9 point plays that accomplish little to nothing
>Ricky_Sirois: GHO 12B GO.H +13 328
>Joshua_Sokol: AEINRSS 13A AINS +25 341
#note in an amazing feat, not only does Ricky randomly block ARSINES in a rather absurd fashion, but I also get dictionary confusion and thought SARNIES was collins-only rather than new. His play was probably fine, but it was just so bizarre that it seemingly blocked me. Well, it didn't. This is next best after the bingo, but neither play would have ended up winning the game for me. If I play SARNIES he bingos out, and this happens if I play AINS. I also don't want to fish off an S here, since I cannot bingo if I draw one of the 3 remaining A's.
>Ricky_Sirois: ?DEFNOT A13 .FT +18 346
#note This is his actual rack, so FRONTED 14I would have come down and I would have lost immediately. (GI)F wins 100% of the time. Wow. This came down quickly, and was almost as good.
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEIRSS 11J SEARS +18 359
#note So I immediately see that Ricky has (H)ANDROPE*, forgetting that the real word in there is ORPHANED. Then I looked at the T, and didn't see anything that fit. I saw TARPONED* and knew that was phony. If the blank changes letters, do you see what he has? Apparently neither of us were capable of seeing this simple word. Ricky says he didn't know it, but even so one of us should have seen it!..
>Ricky_Sirois: ?ADENOP - +0 346
#note hoping that I didn't miss something to the T. If not, then SEARS was my best endgame. Ricky saw PHONATED, missed TAMPONED, and decided after a couple of minutes to ask me if he could still challenge my play without having previously held it. I said "absolutely!", eager to put an end to the suspense of not knowing whether or not I am winning. So he challenged, feeling he had no other choice.
>Joshua_Sokol: AI K1 AI. +14 373
#note folks, don't make mistakes or you might be forced to luck into stealing a game. Or maybe you'll just lose, as I should have here.
>Joshua_Sokol: (ADENOP?) +18 391