Player 1 |
#player1 Dallas Dallas
#player2 Steve_ Steve
>Dallas: HM 8G HM +14 14
>Steve_: AEIINRS 9B SENARII +69 69
>Dallas: UX 8A XU +29 43
>Steve_: CDIKOST 7D DOCK +31 100
>Dallas: AEGPR D2 PARGE. +20 63
>Steve_: IRSTTWY 3C W.RTY +30 130
#note SPARGED! Who knew? Really need to study my hooks. And that also qualifies as a high probabilty bingo; better study those, too. A1 TWISTY is best.
>Dallas: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 63
#note Dallas trades in six tiles.
>Steve_: ?DEISTZ 10H DoZIEST +94 224
>Dallas: ENO - +0 63
#note Dallas challenged the last play.
>Steve_: AGILRRW K9 W.RRA +16 240
#note Just in case Dallas challenged with the hope I'd set him up for an -s ending bingo, I settled on this. But I really wanted to play ASWIRL, just wasn't sure enough of it being good. No wonder, it's a hook!
>Dallas: DEENNOS E9 .EON +8 71
>Steve_: EEGILLT D11 GEL +15 255
#note I spent too much time on this play. Q likes ELEGIT on row 4.
>Dallas: DEFLNQS - +0 71
#note Dallas trades in three tiles.
>Steve_: ABEILMT M3 BIMETAL. +78 333
>Dallas: EJN 8L J.NE +57 128
>Steve_: FFGHOSU N5 UH +30 363
#note SPARGED is still there for the taking, of course, and still costing me equity points.
>Dallas: DIV 6B VI.D +19 147
>Steve_: ?FFGOSU 13J G.FF +22 385
#note Another big equity loss, boss. GUFFS O1 scores 31 more and still keeps the blank.
>Dallas: ETY C12 YET +22 169
>Steve_: ?EOQSUV 4L Q. +22 407
#note Another bad play, perhaps due to my relaxing on the big lead. (US)QUE in the B column is best and sexy at the same time.
>Dallas: ILOT 15A TOIL +22 191
#note Happy to see this play; I feel like I got off cheap.
>Steve_: ?ELOSUV O1 LOVES +32 439
>Dallas: ACO 2B CA.O +23 214
>Steve_: ?BEEINU B13 BI. +19 458
#note N10 TUBE is best.
>Dallas: AEU 14M EAU +11 225
>Steve_: ?AEENRU 15H UNEAgER +76 534
>Dallas: ADNNOT 1E DOAT +19 244
>Steve_: AIOOPS 5D .APS +22 556
#note Going for as many points as I can in hopes of garnering high game. Little did I know quinquennia has already bagged a 646.
>Dallas: INN 14F INN +7 251
>Dallas: (IOO) +6 257