Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Noel_Coulter Noel Coulter
>Peter_Kougi: EGHNOUZ 8F ZHO +30 30
#note Missed the 6

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 9)
best 8G ENOUGH 28 56.63% Z

4.15 8C ENOUGH 22 54.90% Z

5.40 8G HUNG 16 54.32% EOZ

5.80 8G UGH 14 54.24% ENOZ

6.52 8H ENOUGH 24 53.97% Z

6.76 8D ENOUGH 22 53.80% Z

7.16 8D HOGEN 26 53.63% UZ

7.38 8H ZHO 30 53.60% EGNU

7.33*8F ZHO 30 53.55% EGNU

8.05 8G HUGE 16 53.21% NOZ

>Noel_Coulter: DDIORTV E5 FUEDAGE +115 115
>Noel_Coulter: DDIORTV -- -115 0
>Peter_Kougi: EGNNUUY F6 YU.U +24 54
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *F6 YU(Z)U 24 65.99% EGNN

12.1 H5 UNY(O)UNG 11 61.34% E

15.8 7G UN 11 59.62% EGNUY

17.8 7H YU 11 58.65% EGNNU

18.1 H7 Y(O)UNG 9 58.56% ENU

18.6 9H YUG 13 58.41% ENNU

18.3 xch NUUY 0 58.32% EGN

19.4 7H YUG 13 58.09% ENNU

19.3 xch GNUUY 0 58.00% EN

19.8 7H GUNNY 13 57.90% EU

>Noel_Coulter: AFU E4 AUF +20 20
>Peter_Kougi: ?EGKNNN 4C KN.G +18 72
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 7H KENNiNG 69 83.59%

16.4 D3 KEN 20 78.90% ?GNN

19.9*4C KN(A)G 18 77.91% ?ENN

20.7 4D K(A)NG 18 77.50% ?ENN

20.5 D2 NEK 26 77.42% ?GNN

20.8 4D N(A)NG 10 77.32% ?EKN

20.9 D3 NEG 15 76.98% ?KNN

23.6 D2 KEN 18 76.33% ?GNN

23.7 4D N(A)N 6 76.21% ?EGKN

25.6 E9 NEK 16 75.29% ?GNN

>Noel_Coulter: EEJL 7H JEEL +21 41
>Peter_Kougi: ?CENNNP 6J PEN +23 95
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best J6 P(E)NNE 15 77.57% CN?

4.32 J3 PENN(E) 9 76.31% CN?

3.54*6J PEN 23 75.75% CNN?

7.04 J3 PENC(E) 15 75.23% NN?

6.42 J6 P(E)N 11 74.85% CENN?

7.45 J6 N(E)P 7 74.49% CENN?

6.58 C1 NEC(K) 20 74.38% NNP?

7.47 J6 P(E)NCE 17 74.36% NN?

9.87 I3 PENN(E) 10 74.10% CN?

10.2 C1 PEN(K) 20 73.09% CNN?

>Noel_Coulter: DTV K5 V..DT +18 59
>Peter_Kougi: ??CFINN M2 FeNCINg +78 173
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best M2 CoNFINe 78 90.75%

3.15*M2 FeNCINg 78 90.26%

7.17 M5 FINNaCk 67 88.81%

7.23 L9 INFaNCy 72 88.66%

9.66 M5 FINNoCk 67 88.50%

10.1 M5 FINaNCe 68 88.02%

3.65 C1 FIN(K) 22 87.99% ??CN

10.6 J9 INFaNCy 70 87.93%

11.8 M5 FINNaCs 67 87.79%

11.5 M5 FeNCINg 67 87.57%

>Noel_Coulter: ADNO E8 DONA +29 88
>Peter_Kougi: DEHIORW 12D WHORED +37 210
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 10)
best L1 HOWE 41 95.23% DIR

5.27 L1 WIRE 32 94.74% DHO

4.55 L1 WIDE 35 94.51% HOR

5.69 2J HOW(F)ED 48 93.99% IR

9.96 L1 HORI 32 93.89% DEW

9.54 L1 WERO 32 93.88% DHI

4.71 12D WHIO 29 93.85% DER

11.8 L1 HIDE 35 93.54% ORW

10.0 L1 WORE 32 93.52% DHI

11.8*12D WHORED 37 93.47% I

>Noel_Coulter: AEMT 13F META +21 109
>Peter_Kougi: EIILOTV 11H VOILE +26 236
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
best L1 VITE 32 96.69% ILO

3.62 11H LOVIE 23 96.49% IT

4.94 L1 VOTE 32 96.22% IIL

3.42*11H VOILE 26 96.11% IT

6.19 11H VOLTI 26 96.03% EI

8.02 11I OLIVE 20 96.02% IT

5.95 L1 VETO 32 95.96% IIL

8.30 L9 OLIVE 18 95.77% IT

11.1 8K (D)I(g)IT 18 95.09% ELOV

12.3 11H VOTE 24 94.98% IIL

>Noel_Coulter: AX 12K AX +38 147
>Peter_Kougi: AEILQTU 14I LIQUATE +91 327
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *14I LIQUATE 91 99.17%

>Noel_Coulter: AEGIMRR O8 REIMAG.R +158 305
>Noel_Coulter: AEGIMRR -- -158 147
>Peter_Kougi: AEGOSWY 13M YAW +35 362
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 10)
5.73 15L GEOS 36 100.0% AWY

0.110 O12 GO(E)Y 30 100.0% AESW

2.39 8K (D)O(g)GY 30 100.0% AESW

9.79 15M WAE 31 100.0% GOSY

8.62 15M WOE 31 100.0% AGSY

5.71 O11 YOG(E)E 30 100.0% ASW

6.81 O12 WY(E)S 42 99.99% AEGO

4.28 8K (D)A(g)GY 30 99.99% EOSW

5.04 13M YEW 35 99.98% AGOS

best *13M YAW 35 99.98% EGOS

>Noel_Coulter: AEGIMRR 15M GEM +52 199
>Peter_Kougi: EGLOSST 2J GOL.S +26 388
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 15C GOSLETS 83 100.0%

30.3*2J GOL(F)S 26 100.0% EST

>Noel_Coulter: AAIR 1G ARIA +15 214
>Peter_Kougi: BEEEIST 9H BEE. +19 407
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
6.90 15G BESTI 40 100.0% EE

12.9 14B BETISE 30 100.0% E

1.89*9H BEE(T) 19 100.0% EIST

best L1 B(L)EE 23 100.0% EIST

5.23 C2 BI(K)E 20 100.0% EEST

8.60 9H BIT(T)E 20 100.0% EES

12.8 10B BEI(N)S 34 100.0% EET

1.50 6B BEE(FY) 19 100.0% EIST

13.6 10B BEE(N) 12 100.0% EIST

9.48 N6 EE 15 100.0% BEIST

>Noel_Coulter: COR 10L ROC +21 235
>Peter_Kougi: BDEIIST 10C BI. +5 412
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best 15G BESTI 40 100.0% DI

1.77 15J DI 17 100.0% BIEST

2.52 15D DEBITS 39 100.0% I

2.79 15E BIDIS 30 100.0% ET

4.02*10C BI(N) 5 100.0% DIEST

7.22 15D BIDETS 42 100.0% I

10.2 O5 TIDIES 27 100.0% B

10.3 C2 TI(K)IED 26 100.0% BS

11.5 O6 BIDIS 30 100.0% ET

12.2 8M (g)IB 12 100.0% DIEST

>Noel_Coulter: NOORS O6 ROONS +21 256
>Peter_Kougi: DEIRSTT G12 ..T +3 415
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *G12 (RE)T 3 100.0% DITERS

1.09 11E (A)T 7 100.0% DITERS

2.22 N2 (S)T 3 100.0% DITERS

3.71 N12 T(ATE) 4 100.0% DITERS

8.89 J14 (I)T 2 100.0% DITERS

18.0 15J DI 17 100.0% TTERS

30.3 1N ID 11 100.0% TTERS

37.1 5B DI 9 100.0% TTERS

38.0 11E (A)R 7 100.0% DITTES

39.1 C4 (K)ID 8 100.0% TTERS

>Noel_Coulter: AEIPRST 15A PARTIES +84 340
>Peter_Kougi: DEIIRST 2A DIRTIES +72 487
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 2A TIDIERS 72 100.0%

best 2A DITSIER 72 100.0%

best *2A DIRTIES 72 100.0%

61.0 C2 DI(K)IEST 26 100.0% R

63.0 C2 TI(K)IED 26 100.0% RS

65.0 C3 S(K)RIED 24 100.0% IT

65.0 C3 S(K)ITED 24 100.0% IR

65.0 C2 DI(K)IER 24 100.0% ST

65.0 C2 DI(K)ERS 24 100.0% IT

66.0 2B TEIIDS 24 100.0% R

>Peter_Kougi: (I) +2 489
Player 2
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