Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Barry_Harridge Barry Harridge
>Peter_Kougi: AIOPUXY 8F YAUP +18 18
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
best 8G PIXY 32 50.78% AOU

0.509 8G PUY 16 50.58% AIOX

0.559 8E PIXY 32 50.51% AOU

1.13 8G POXY 32 50.24% AIU

1.62 8G YUP 16 50.08% AIOX

2.09*8F YAUP 18 49.89% IOX

2.25 8F PIXY 32 49.81% AOU

2.60 8G YAUP 18 49.66% IOX

2.89 8H PIXY 32 49.50% AOU

3.64 8F POXY 32 49.26% AIU

>Barry_Harridge: AABDOR 9F ABROAD +32 32
>Peter_Kougi: IIMORVX 10J XI +53 71
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 10I OXIM 62 60.69% IRV

12.4 10I OX 55 55.10% IIMRV

13.3*10J XI 53 54.66% IMORV

15.8 10D VIM 28 53.58% IORX

29.5 10C OXIM 33 47.25% IRV

34.2 10J MIX 31 45.28% IORV

34.1 J9 (A)XIOM 30 45.22% IRV

>Barry_Harridge: EHM 11I HEM +38 70
>Peter_Kougi: GIMOORV 10B VIGORO +33 104
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 10B VROOM 38 57.50% GI

0.248*10B VIGORO 33 57.48% M

7.42 12D VIGORO 27 53.96% M

8.54 10C ROOM 26 53.37% GIV

9.26 10B GROOM 32 53.10% IV

10.2 10B VIGOR 27 52.62% MO

10.8 10D VOG 22 52.32% IMOR

11.9 10D VOM 28 51.71% GIOR

13.5 10D VIM 28 50.87% GOOR

15.0 12E VROOM 18 50.34% GI

>Barry_Harridge: AAEQU H11 AQUAE +81 151
>Peter_Kougi: AEFMOTU 11C FUME +41 145
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *11C FUME 41 33.48% AOT

5.58 D8 FU(G)ATO 28 30.65% EM

6.89 11C FOU 24 30.61% AEMT

12.2 11C FUM 32 28.12% AEOT

12.9 7I UFO 13 28.02% AEMT

14.2 11E FE 27 27.49% AMOTU

14.2 11C FOE 24 27.25% AMTU

14.7 11C TOME 32 26.68% AFU

16.7 7H FUME 22 25.67% AOT

18.0 7H FUMET 23 25.29% AO

>Barry_Harridge: AEOTW 7I AWETO +16 167
>Peter_Kougi: ADEFOTZ 8L ADZE +51 196
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8L ADZE 51 52.74% FOT

1.83 12A DAFT 37 51.52% EOZ

2.81 8M FEZ 50 51.13% ADOT

3.39 12J DEFT 35 50.56% AOZ

4.22 12J DEFAT 37 50.13% OZ

4.50 8M DZO 42 50.13% AEFT

5.53 12A DEFT 37 48.96% AOZ

6.89 12J DEFO 35 48.65% ATZ

7.93 12J DEF 33 47.92% AOTZ

9.57 12B AFT 29 46.47% DEOZ

>Barry_Harridge: EIP I13 PIE +19 186
>Peter_Kougi: DFJNOST C9 J..FS +52 248
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *C9 J(IF)FS 52 73.36% DNOT

11.5 9M DON 26 67.67% FJST

13.4 9M DOF 32 66.83% JNST

13.4 9M DOT 26 66.66% FJNS

17.9 12B OFT 29 63.96% DJNS

24.0 12A SOFT 33 59.73% DJN

26.3 C9 J(IF)F 25 58.96% DNOST

26.2 12A DOF 18 58.70% JNST

29.4 13G J(UP)ON 22 57.08% DFST

30.1 C9 D(IF)FS 28 56.28% JNOT

>Barry_Harridge: Y D10 ..Y +30 216
>Peter_Kougi: DDHNOTT O4 HOTT.D +14 262
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
0.0190 9M DOH 32 69.84% DNTT

best 9M DOD 28 69.50% HNTT

3.17 9M DOT 26 68.34% DHNT

4.60*O4 HOTT(E)D 14 66.63% DN

6.45 9M DON 26 66.15% DHTT

10.6 O4 HODD(E)N 15 64.05% TT

10.6 15F TH(EE)D 9 63.19% DNOT

10.9 6M THO 18 63.07% DDNT

11.6 K3 TODD(E) 14 62.47% HNT

12.7 O5 DOT(E)D 7 62.13% HNT

>Barry_Harridge: IT N8 .IT +17 233
>Peter_Kougi: ?DILNNR 14F DR..N +12 274
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 11M NIL 16 82.80% ?DNR

0.745 11M LIN 16 82.27% ?DNR

2.50*14F DR(AI)N 12 82.08% ?ILN

4.60 K2 DINNL(E) 14 81.79% ?R

4.19 14F DR(AI)L 12 81.18% ?INN

5.39 14E INL(AI)D 13 80.43% ?NR

4.70 11M RIN 16 79.93% ?DLN

6.47 11M NID 17 79.69% ?LNR

7.03 11M DIN 17 78.83% ?LNR

7.56 6K NIL 12 78.13% ?DNR

>Barry_Harridge: CO G13 O.C +17 250
>Peter_Kougi: ?GIILLN 6C bILLING +66 340
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best 6C yILLING 66 93.24%

1.55 6C gILLING 66 93.22%

1.93 6C rILLING 66 92.59%

2.04 6C dILLING 66 92.47%

1.65 6C tILLING 66 92.44%

3.49 6C lILLING 66 92.42%

1.24 6C hILLING 66 92.38%

3.45 6C NILLInG 66 92.26%

2.56 6C LILlING 64 92.14%

3.96 6C LILtING 64 92.10%

1.12*6C bILLING 66 92.06%

>Barry_Harridge: ABEENOT 5E EE +10 260
>Peter_Kougi: AEILLNO 12J LENO +26 366
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
2.08 N2 LIANE 25 96.80% LO

best N2 ANOLE 25 96.78% IL

2.78*12J LENO 26 96.51% AIL

2.08 12J LEAN 26 95.96% ILO

5.89 N2 ALONE 25 95.71% IL

7.18 12K ELAIN 19 95.70% LO

1.65 12J LEAL 26 95.52% INO

2.38 12K ELOIN 19 95.47% AL

4.70 11M OIL 16 95.34% AELN

6.42 N2 LION 15 95.09% AEL

>Barry_Harridge: ?AEINOT 4F ElATION +67 327
>Peter_Kougi: ACILRTU N2 URALI +25 391
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
1.89 3C CURTAL 26 100.0% I

2.86 3C RICTAL 26 100.0% U

3.64 3C CITRAL 26 99.24% U

best D2 TRUC(I)AL 25 96.97% I

5.82 D3 CUR(I)AL 21 96.21% IT

8.57 D3 URT(I)CA 21 95.08% IL

8.07 3B CURAT 18 93.18% IL

40.5 11M LI 17 92.42% ACRTU

8.15 3C ULTRA 18 91.67% CI

10.3 D2 URAT(I)C 19 91.67% IL

9.84*N2 URALI 25 90.15% CT

>Barry_Harridge: GIW 11M WIG +25 352
>Peter_Kougi: CEKNRTV 3B TRECK +30 421
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best D4 TR(I)CK 35 100.0% ENV

14.0*3B TRECK 30 100.0% NV

25.0 I1 VEN(T) 8 100.0% CKRT

30.0 J1 NEV(I) 9 100.0% CKRT

35.0 H1 VEN(A) 21 100.0% CKRT

37.0 D5 V(I)NT 14 100.0% CEKR

37.0 3C RECK 28 100.0% NTV

38.0 M11 (WO)VEN 22 100.0% CKRT

41.0 J2 VE(I)N 15 100.0% CKRT

42.0 3C NECK 28 100.0% RTV

>Barry_Harridge: BENRSSS D1 BE.R +18 370
>Peter_Kougi: NV J3 V.N +6 427
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *J3 V(I)N 6 100.0%

60.0 M11 (WO)N 12 100.0% V

65.0 J4 (I)N 2 50.00% V

70.0 6M N(IT) 7 0.0000% V

73.0 K4 (O)N 4 0.0000% V

74.0 H4 (A)N(N) 3 0.0000% V

75.0 K6 N(E) 2 0.0000% V

75.0 D6 (I)N 2 0.0000% V

75.0 K3 N(O) 2 0.0000% V

75.0 H3 N(A) 2 0.0000% V

>Peter_Kougi: (NSSS) +8 435
Player 2
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SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada.
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