Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Liz_Blanch Liz Blanch
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Liz_Blanch: LOOOV 8D OVOLO +18 18
>Peter_Kougi: AAEFGIR E6 RI.AGE +20 20
>Liz_Blanch: WX 9D W.X +27 45
>Peter_Kougi: AFFHNRR D11 HAFF +31 51
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 4)
best 7D R(I)F 25 40.93% AFHNR

0.819 7D R(I)N 19 40.50% AFFHR

1.54 D11 RAFF 22 40.16% HNR

3.26*D11 HAFF 31 39.51% NRR

3.79 7D H(I)N 25 39.18% AFFRR

6.06 F11 RAFF 20 38.08% HNR

8.46 D11 HARN 19 37.12% FFR

10.7 D11 FAH 23 36.13% FNRR

10.1 F11 NAFF 20 36.10% HRR

11.1 D11 NAFF 22 36.00% HRR

>Liz_Blanch: ?AGNSTT 15D STATiNG +89 134
>Peter_Kougi: KNOPRRU D3 KORU +18 69
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 10)
best 7B UNR(I)P 26 17.48% KOR

3.10 7B PUR(I)N 24 15.97% KOR

5.76 7B POR(I)N 24 15.32% KRU

5.66 F11 PUNK(A) 29 15.12% ORR

8.02 6B KNU(R)R 21 14.56% OPR

10.6 7D K(I)N 27 14.47% OPRRU

8.89 7H KRONUR 18 14.00% P

9.44 13A PRO(F) 18 13.92% KNRU

10.7 7B ORP(I)N 26 13.91% KRU

13.0*D3 KORU 18 13.84% NPR

>Liz_Blanch: AB 14D .AB +26 160
>Peter_Kougi: AENNPRR F4 NAP +22 91
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 1)
best *F4 NAP 22 13.55% ENRR

0.662 7E (I)NANER 23 13.41% PR

5.50 F4 REP 22 12.29% ANNR

6.52 7E (I)NANE 22 12.11% PRR

7.05 F2 ARPEN 16 11.90% NR

6.29 3B NA(K)ER 18 11.87% NPR

6.09 F4 NEP 22 11.73% ANRR

5.60 F2 PAREN 20 11.62% NR

8.44 14A PRE(FAB) 26 11.48% ANNR

8.33 F3 REAP 23 11.30% NNR

>Liz_Blanch: IQ I13 QI. +22 182
>Peter_Kougi: EIINRRT J8 RETIRIN. +78 169
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 1)
best *J8 RETIRIN(G) 78 32.54%

16.5 H2 INTERI(O)R 59 24.35%

>Liz_Blanch: CEIV K5 VICE +20 202
>Peter_Kougi: AEEMOSY 3B YO.E +22 191
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 1)
best *3B YO(K)E 22 42.27% AEMS

0.738 G8 (L)YE 31 41.48% AEMOS

3.45 L8 MOSEY 34 39.41% AE

4.60 G8 (L)YAM 34 38.77% EEOS

4.53 I9 YEA 23 38.73% EMOS

5.63 3B YO(K)ES 30 38.30% AEM

6.65 10E (G)OEY 22 38.14% AEMS

7.42 G8 (L)YME 34 37.44% AEOS

7.48 L8 MOYAS 34 36.59% EE

11.4 G8 (L)YASE 33 34.82% EMO

>Liz_Blanch: AZ L8 ZA +43 245
>Peter_Kougi: AEMOSUY M9 YOU +19 210
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 1)
best *M9 YOU 19 28.99% AEMS

2.45 M9 MOUSEY 35 28.32% A

3.63 M9 YOUSE 33 28.12% AM

2.14 L8 (ZA)MOUSE 36 27.52% AY

10.9 2B OY 25 24.01% AEMSU

12.3 I9 YU 20 22.22% AEMOS

16.1 2A YOM 30 21.89% AESU

15.7 2A MOY 31 21.16% AESU

16.9 G8 (L)YAM 34 21.11% EOSU

15.3 C12 YO 25 21.04% AEMSU

>Liz_Blanch: CD 6J C.D +12 257
>Peter_Kougi: ADEEIMS M3 AIMED +27 237
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 10)
best F8 (OX)IME 29 38.25% ADES

13.6 C12 ME 22 30.90% ADEIS

12.9 2B MI 24 30.58% ADEES

10.2 M2 AMIDE 23 30.55% ES

10.3 M3 ADEEM 29 30.20% IS

14.2 N7 IDEM 29 30.16% AES

15.5 N9 EM 26 30.00% ADEIS

15.6 2A EM 22 29.07% ADEIS

16.9 F8 (OX)IM 28 28.36% ADEES

15.7*M3 AIMED 27 27.87% ES

>Liz_Blanch: BI C12 BI +22 279
>Peter_Kougi: DEJMPST 4L J.MP +36 273
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 1)
best *4L J(I)MP 36 38.10% DEST

0.434 N8 DEMPT 36 37.86% JS

1.61 L1 JETS 44 35.73% DMP

4.54 N9 EMPT 34 35.01% DJS

9.67 N8 TEMP 34 30.49% DJS

11.1 N8 TEMPS 35 28.90% DJ

13.6 N9 EMPTS 35 28.39% DJ

14.1 10L P(O)M 27 27.98% DEJST

17.1 4L J(I)SM 32 27.38% DEPT

17.5 2K DEMPT 31 27.34% JS

>Liz_Blanch: AGNU O4 .UNGA +24 303
>Peter_Kougi: DELNSST K11 DENS +33 306
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 1)
best *K11 DENS 33 41.25% LST

5.30 B1 ST(Y)LED 28 39.06% NS

1.47 N8 NEDS 26 38.48% LST

3.68 B2 L(Y)SED 26 38.26% NST

3.97 10L S(O)D 20 37.65% ELNST

4.96 10L S(O)LD 19 35.80% ENST

6.77 K11 DEN 28 33.98% LSST

10.6 B2 D(Y)NELS 24 33.05% ST

8.83 10L S(O)L 17 32.46% DENST

10.5 K11 TENS 29 31.27% DLS

>Liz_Blanch: ?ADELRW 2E tRAWLED +65 368
>Peter_Kougi: HLOSTTU B3 .OUTH +13 319
--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: 1)
32.0*B3 (Y)OUTH 13 30.00% LST

11.4 2A HOT 24 28.00% LSTU

15.8 1J HOUT 16 27.00% LST

18.8 10E (G)OTH 22 24.00% LSTU

38.7 N11 THOU 16 22.00% LST

19.8 4A TOH(O) 18 20.50% LSTU

21.8 N11 HOUT 19 17.50% LST

28.5 I9 HUT 25 17.00% LOST

24.3 1G HO 35 15.00% LSTT
best 15A OUT(STATiNG) 30 12.50% HLST

>Liz_Blanch: EELNST A5 NESTLE +27 395
>Peter_Kougi: EIILOST H1 O.LS +24 343
#note whatevs

--Twenty Second Championship Player's
choices (your play: urp)
best H1 O(W)LETS 30 II

best H1 S(W)ILE 27 IOT

best H1 S(W)ELT 27 IIO

best H1 O(W)LET 27 IIS

best H1 L(W)EIS 27 IOT

1.00 1G TOE 28 IILS

2.00 3G TOISE 23 IL

2.00 3G TOILE 23 IS

5.00 H1 T(W)OS 24 EIIL

9.00*H1 O(W)LS 24 EIIT

>Liz_Blanch: EER B13 REE +12 407
>Liz_Blanch: (EIIT) +8 415
Player 2
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Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
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