Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
#player2 Julia_Bogle Julia Bogle
>Matthew_Ridout: CFINNOZ 8G ZINC +30 30
#note Gah. Newest words alert. ZINCO

>Julia_Bogle: BDR H6 DR.B +7 7
>Matthew_Ridout: AFINNOO J6 FI.O +17 47
#note FANION. Because ZINCO.

>Julia_Bogle: EIL I4 LEI +10 17
>Matthew_Ridout: AANNOPT H1 NAPA +24 71
#note ABOON 9G first. Mine 3rd
>Julia_Bogle: APSS - +0 17
#note exch 4
>Matthew_Ridout: EGNNOTY G2 NOG +16 87
#note TONEY. ZINCO strikes again.
>Julia_Bogle: DEMS F3 MEDS +21 38
>Matthew_Ridout: AAENTTY K8 YENTA +37 124
>Julia_Bogle: KOSW L12 WOKS +34 72
>Matthew_Ridout: ABCOTUY 15H BUOY. +30 154
#note BACKOUT 14I. Mine middling.
>Julia_Bogle: EOSVX M9 VOXES +48 120
>Julia_Bogle: EOSVX -- -48 72
>Matthew_Ridout: ACISTTV M9 VITAS +34 188
#note Bet valid VITTA M9
>Julia_Bogle: ELOVX 6B VOLE. +16 88
>Matthew_Ridout: CEEFINT D3 INF.ECT +30 218
#note I thought FE N10 was unnecessarily volatile, but Q loves the leave.
>Julia_Bogle: DEX C1 DEX +40 128
>Matthew_Ridout: AEGORTT 1A TO. +12 230
#note GODET same spot
>Julia_Bogle: ?EIMPRS C9 IMPREsS +75 203
>Matthew_Ridout: AEEGRTT 15A GE.T +18 248
#note GASTER a touch better
>Julia_Bogle: AJ 9F JA. +25 228
>Matthew_Ridout: AADERRT 1H .ARRATED +80 328
>Julia_Bogle: QRUW - +0 228
#note exch 4
>Matthew_Ridout: ?HLOQRW -OQW +0 328
#note HO B10 a mile better, but mine is also 100% to win
>Julia_Bogle: AHLO 2L HALO +28 256
>Matthew_Ridout: ?EHILRR 13B H.R +6 334
#note RIEL 3K a lot better for equity, but both 100% to win

I was worried about outside chance of -ING bingo on column A and there was exactly one possible - QUEUEING
>Julia_Bogle: INQU 3J QUIN +38 294
>Matthew_Ridout: ?EILRUU 11C .IU +10 344
#note 14B USEFUL. Mine off the board
>Julia_Bogle: OW 14J WO. +36 330
>Matthew_Ridout: ?ELRU 12E pULER +6 350
#note EEL E5 best
>Matthew_Ridout: (AEEGI) +12 362
Player 2
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