Player 1 |
#player1 Joey_Krafchick Joey Krafchick
#player2 David_Gibson David Gibson
>Joey_Krafchick: ?BEFGMU H4 BEGUM +26 26
>David_Gibson: AIRU 5E URA.I +10 10
>Joey_Krafchick: ??EFOPY I7 tOrPEFY +72 98
#note Only other bingo is FO(R)EPlaY...he held this (it's a new word) but correctly released it
>David_Gibson: ADEPRRU 11C UPREAR.D +72 82
>Joey_Krafchick: ADNOOVX 4C VOX +35 133
>David_Gibson: CGINO C2 CO.ING +28 110
>Joey_Krafchick: ADHIINO 12C HI +23 156
#note I thought that MAHI might be new, but it's just MAKI and MAHIMAHI. Either way this isn't a huge mistake (DINO vs ADINO leave) but a few points lost nonetheless
>David_Gibson: AY 10F YA +28 138
>Joey_Krafchick: ADINOSV J6 VAN +21 177
#note I didn't know COVINGS. VISA played for 37, the best play. OVA for 23 sims best, but obviously I'm not going to give him an open A for so cheap. I deducted that I should play VAN because it scores and as least accomplishes taking on 9 letter word opportunities through UT or MO, but really that's an excuse for me not knowing my -INGS words :-) (-6.3)
>David_Gibson: CEITW 9B TWICE +20 158
>Joey_Krafchick: DGIKOST 2A DO.K +22 199
#note I saw (MON)ODIST for 39, but given I'm only up 19, blowing the board wide open leaving GK is nonideal. I like this play here.
>David_Gibson: AM 1A AM +25 183
>Joey_Krafchick: AGIIOST 13D AGIO +11 210
>David_Gibson: IQ 8A QI +35 218
>Joey_Krafchick: EFINSST 14E IFS +32 242
>David_Gibson: AOZ J13 AZO +37 255
>Joey_Krafchick: EHJNNST 15I J.HN +15 257
#note This was a crucial turn. My two options are JE(O)N, leaving HNST, or this with a strong leave of ENST and a good looking remaining tile pool. Obviusly JE(O)N scores 18 more and doesn't have the S hook, but at this point with him in the lead, I took this path because I was afraid of playing out of HNST essentially...could be a more critical error than I'm accounting for, but not the worst.
>David_Gibson: INSTT M11 TINTS +25 280
>Joey_Krafchick: BELNSST 15A BLEST +28 285
>David_Gibson: ARR 10I .ARR +13 293
>Joey_Krafchick: AEELNST 12A EL.. +8 293
#note With 2 L's and 5 E's out, I played this. From my perspective, his bingo chances aren't that great given the unseen pool, and mine are very high after this turn leaving AENST.
>David_Gibson: LNOW 4H .LOWN +22 315
#note He played this very fast, but later he said that had he seen (JOHNS)ON for 51 he still might have played this...
>Joey_Krafchick: AEENSTT K2 TE. +6 299
#note I still can't bingo - and I wrote down DOCKET as I had (DOCK)ET for 15, superior to this play...although if I hit my bingo at all it doesn't matter if I play this or DOCKET. Still an error, though
>David_Gibson: DEEILR 2I RE.ILED +20 335
>Joey_Krafchick: AEENOST 15I .....ON +51 350
#note And I lose to Gibson again. Very small mistakes this game but the cumulation of them (giving my 9 point loss this game) certainly cost me the game.
>David_Gibson: DEU 1G DUE +14 349
>David_Gibson: (AEEST) +10 359