Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
#player2 Gregg_Bigourdin Gregg Bigourdin
>Matthew_Larocque: DDELORU 8G LOUD +10 10
#note Thanks to Gregg for providing his racks! This opening rack was a challenge because no one play seemed clearly better than others. 8G UDO looks pretty good if I want to play short. Plus it takes an L hook! I didn't know LOURED which scores a bit more than just playing LOUDER. Simulation prefers short plays UDO/DUO/OUD/LOUD/LUDO.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: AEEIINY F8 AIYEE +22 22
#note I really helped him out with that A hook!
>Matthew_Larocque: DEERUWY E11 WYE +33 43
#note This is so easy to overlap for big points and I hate that, but I can't score much otherwise. Missed WE(E)DY which is safer.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: BIIINNR J5 BIN.I +10 32
#note Gregg played this instantly, but I really think BRIN for 32 is more than worth it, IIN isn't that terrible of a leave.
>Matthew_Larocque: ADENRRU 5H UN.ARRED +72 115
#note This rack makes eights with 4 letters for 5 bingos total. If Gregg had played BRIN, than I'd have to find the bingo in ADENNRRU which likely would not have happened.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: AEILNRT 4C RATLINE +71 103
#note RETINAL scores 84 at D6!
>Matthew_Larocque: ?ACLNOU M3 CO.NULAs +72 187
#note Yuck. I saw UNCLOAK but I guess I am blind to that spot as well! A bevy of bingos are available here that I didn't know including UNVOCAL, CORNUAL, CRUNODAL, COURLAN, CLEANOUT, and EULACHON. And the biggest miss of all - CAULDRON for 149! I was hoping this was an anagram of CONSULAR, but that would be COURLANS.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: ADEEFOR D10 FADO +38 141
#note Gregg lets me have it, with so many big scoring plays here. D8 FEDORA is 48!
>Matthew_Larocque: DGHJLNV 9I H.D +20 207
#note Not sure if 20 points is enough to play through this, but as always I hate to exchange with a lead. I just need to draw A/I/O/U for a big J play. Quackle says exchange and keep the H or HL/HD/HN. It also points out V(U)GH 7L but the G actually helps my J here with the vowels I mentioned.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: EEFIKOR 3C OKE +26 167
#note F(L)OE for 33!
>Matthew_Larocque: EGJLNSV C13 VEG +26 233
#note Drew the one vowel that doesn't work. Have to take these points now.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: AEFIRTT 2E FATTIER +70 237
>Matthew_Larocque: JLNNSUZ 2A JUN +23 256
#note Although it is close between JU(G) for 33 and JUN for 23, I stupidly missed 6F JUN for 29!
>Gregg_Bigourdin: ?EGIOWX 1H EX +42 279
#note 8L G(L)OW sims about 2.5 points higher than EX. Hard to think a better X spot is going to come up, though, and G(L)OW might still be there next turn.
>Matthew_Larocque: AALNSZ 1K AZANS +74 330
#note Missed last letter, but this has to be the right play.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: ?EGIMOW 15A MI.G +30 309
#note Tricky bingo in MEOWING, G(L)OW still there as well. Wow MOGGIE is a word!?
>Matthew_Larocque: HLOORST N10 HOLOS +44 374
#note Wow, THOLOS!
>Gregg_Bigourdin: ?EGIMOW O13 WOE +25 334
#note I wrote this down wrong. This isn't the exact same rack as last turn. Gregg didn't have a G here, maybe a C or a T? With a C there's ICEWORMS! With a T there is WORMIEST or WOMBIEST.
>Matthew_Larocque: EEIORST G10 OE +14 388
#note 5B RITE is 33, but with two places to bingo fishing didn't seem completely useless here. Still, going up by a bingo while shutting down the easiest spot is probably safer.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: ?ACIIMT O7 MICA +29 363
#note L4 T(R)IM supposedly gives him the best chance to win at 47%. ACI? must draw into the most bingos or something?
>Matthew_Larocque: EIPPRST 6B TIPPERS +68 456
#note Wow drawing PP into a bingo, that's extremely unlikely.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: ?GIQRTT 5A QI +13 376
#note C9 QI 26! Or even better if he plays underneath the T, because he can use the Q again and there's nothing I can do to block it!
>Matthew_Larocque: BSV 13M V.. +18 474
#note I realized after that I should wait and play this after because he has the blank.
>Gregg_Bigourdin: ?GRTT L11 GRaT +17 393
>Matthew_Larocque: BS B1 B.S +13 487
>Matthew_Larocque: (T) +2 489
#note Exciting first game and only one phony bingo!