Player 1 |
#player1 Joel Joel
#player2 Evans Evans
>Joel: DDHIOS 8G ODDISH +30 30
>Evans: EENNORX 9F OX +34 34
#note I don't know why I didn't just play EX -- ENNOR is better than EENNR. Quackle likes a few things better than both -- OXEN or EXON 9L, HEXONE L8, EXONS K4 -- but those all seem terrible defensively and I don't trust the sim. EX looks best to me. -5
>Joel: ?AENORU 10C NEUROmA +72 102
#note I like RONDEAU -- two points more and better defense. Meh.
>Evans: EEEJNNR K4 JEER. +24 58
>Joel: FFIY 4K .IFFY +50 152
>Evans: BEIINNO O1 BON. +27 85
#note Umm, I missed stuff. BIO 3L is best, but also, what about INBY/INBYE in this same TWS lane? How did I not see those? -9
>Joel: ABENRST 11I BANTERS +72 224
#note ABSENTER. But whatever.
>Evans: AEIINRU L11 .UI +6 91
#note AUREI 10K seems to sim best; I didn't see it. -9
>Joel: CEITV O6 CIVET. +33 257
>Evans: AAEINRT 3L AI +16 107
>Joel: KOTU C9 K.OUT +28 285
>Evans: AENORRT 13G ANTER.OR +70 177
>Joel: AGMY 6H GAM.Y +17 302
>Evans: AACEILV E9 L.V +22 199
#note VACUA! Ugh. -18
>Joel: EET 12G TEE +15 317
>Evans: ?AACEII 5B AECIdIA +69 268
>Joel: EGZ C3 GE.Z +28 345
>Evans: DEHIPSW D12 HIP +28 296
#note WHUP is better. I was afraid of opening a TWS on this board, since I'd have no good places to score if he took it. But I really shouldn't be thinking so defensively when down 80. Sigh. -7
>Joel: ENP E13 PEN +14 359
>Evans: DELNSUW F14 WE +31 327
>Joel: Q 7N Q. +11 370
>Evans: DGLMNSU 15E ..UM +18 345
#note GLAND I4 is awesome! This play is better in valuation, but wins a little less often.
>Joel: LOT - +0 370
#note Umm, he held for a while. Then he gave me a free turn.
>Evans: ADGLNRS 6A AD. +24 369
#note Quackle likes fishing with GAG or DAG at H4 best -- either that or scoring 35 with SCALD D4. I'm not sure if the duck's right or not -- I opted against emptying the bag and I still scored 24. Is this right? Not sure.
>Joel: LOT A6 .LTO +12 382
>Evans: AGLLNRS N1 AG +16 385
#note I blew the endgame! This play looked okay to me, but I was in time trouble and didn't have nearly enough time to find a win. There are two awesome plays here that win -- find even one of them, and you're my hero.
>Joel: DIOSW 10M WO. +17 399
>Evans: LLNRS J10 S.N.R +22 407
#note This play was definitely right (for a change).
>Joel: DIS 3A DI.S +6 405
>Joel: (LL) +4 409