Player 1 |
#player1 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
#player2 Rick_Julian Rick Julian
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEGNORR 8G DOR +8 8
#note What do? I think GORED or GENRO looks best.
>Rick_Julian: EVX 9F VEX +27 27
#note Scored as 29
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEGNQRT 7H GENT +20 28
>Rick_Julian: AFNU 6I FAUN +21 48
>Kevin_Bowerman: EIOQRRU L1 REQUI. +32 60
>Rick_Julian: ?CEHOTT 1G HECTO. +33 81
#note Said this was his rack.
>Kevin_Bowerman: BCHOORY K5 B..CH +32 92
#note He blocked my CHOR(E)BOY :(
>Rick_Julian: ?AEIMST 2B dIASTEM +79 160
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEOORWY 8K .OWRY +42 134
>Rick_Julian: AIRV D1 V.RIA +24 184
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEOOOU F9 .ODOU +11 145
#note Chose over (Q)UOD to keep board open.
>Rick_Julian: AEM I1 .AME +20 204
>Kevin_Bowerman: EELNNOP 14B PLEON +30 175
>Rick_Julian: ADDE 15A DEAD +35 239
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEEGNNO E5 GONE +16 191
#note Thought about trying EN(D)OGENE*, but didn't think about trying NEOGENE!
>Rick_Julian: FLT 2K F.LT +19 258
>Kevin_Bowerman: AAAEENR 1A REA.E +29 220
>Rick_Julian: ESZ 15F SEZ +47 305
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?AABKLN 8A BLAK. +48 268
#note Two bingos I don't know play here. This is phony, but since I don't know the bingos, it was the best shot I saw. Didn't think Rick would challenge.
>Rick_Julian: JN 13E J.N +20 325
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?AINPRY O1 PYIN +41 309
#note PA(R)RYINg goes. However, with such an ugly pool full of I's, (L)IP looks like an amazing play to make here! Stops him from scoring there, keeps the Y for me to score with, and I can still bingo with an ANRY? leave. A huge miss.
>Rick_Julian: IT M2 .IT +30 355
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?AIIRUW F5 AW +30 339
>Rick_Julian: AIILSST 11F .IALISTS +68 423
>Rick_Julian: (?GIIORU) +14 437