Player 1 |
#player1 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
#player2 Marlon_Hill Marlon Hill
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEINUWX 8D WAXEN +38 38
#note Really wishing it were collins right about now.
>Marlon_Hill: ?BNORST D5 BRO.NeST +74 74
#note He took 5 minutes to make this play.
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEGIIOU 5D .OUGIE +18 56
#note Somehow missed (A)UDIO on this turn, while seeing it on the next. Looks preferable to this.
>Marlon_Hill: MU 9F UM +23 97
>Kevin_Bowerman: DEIIOTU C9 ETUI +13 69
#note Spent forever here. Wanted to keep it open but not reckless. Was really close to doing OUT(S)IDE, but after he played 2 tiles, I decided not to. (S)TUDIO looks like the sane alternative to that, which I would have done if I had seen it.
>Marlon_Hill: KLLNO 4H KNOLL +41 138
>Kevin_Bowerman: CDIINOU K4 .UCID +16 85
#note Already thinking things look pretty bleak. OCU(L)I is crazy, DUI is crazy, DUCI is crazy. However, I missed IODIC, which looks pretty good. Although he could just play through the C or the I and kill the board after that.
>Marlon_Hill: GPY M3 GYP +31 169
>Kevin_Bowerman: EINOOST 3B TOONIES +73 158
>Marlon_Hill: AIRY 8K .AIRY +30 199
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEEEIOZ N6 ZE.O +33 191
#note ZOEA and RAZEE both look like suicide to me. ZEE is reasonable though.
>Marlon_Hill: ABJ 2D JAB +39 238
#note Scored as 33?
>Kevin_Bowerman: AAEEEIQ B1 QA. +24 215
#note Exchange here? I always have trouble not playing the Q for this much just because I don't want to draw it later. I should probably just trade.
>Marlon_Hill: EFM 7G FEM +29 267
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEEEGIV B12 GIVE +20 235
>Marlon_Hill: DET 15A T.ED +21 288
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEEOTVW 1E WOVE +41 276
#note I wrote my rack as AEEOVTW on my scoresheet, which was a game losing mistake. Shield your eyes if you need to.
>Marlon_Hill: EHLOS 10J HOLES +34 322
>Kevin_Bowerman: AAELNNT 11J AN +13 289
#note Played this over AN(Y) to set up another lane
>Marlon_Hill: ACDERT 12G CRATED +29 351
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?AEILNT 6B LA. +5 294
#note Figured this was the best way to give myself a shot. If he wants to block and score, he has to play 3 tiles, emptying the bag.
>Marlon_Hill: AD 7B AD. +13 364
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EFHINT 11I F.. +11 305
>Marlon_Hill: AIPRRRS 14B .AIR +12 376
>Kevin_Bowerman: ?EHIINT A7 fEH +19 324
#note Supppppppppppppper low on time, N(A)I(L)E(D) is best.
>Marlon_Hill: PRRS M7 R.P.R +21 397
>Kevin_Bowerman: IINT L12 .INT +6 330
#note Just had to get something down.
>Marlon_Hill: S B1 ...S +13 410
#note Not a bunch of huge mistakes, but small mistakes add up. I went 1 minute overtime and marlon underscored himself by 6, so final recorded as 406-320
>Marlon_Hill: (I) +2 412