Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Jeremy_Hall Jeremy Hall
>Joshua_Sokol: AAAEIOY -AAAIOY +0 0
#note Wondered if keeping the A was better here. Maybe keep nothing? Keep E sims slightly higher than anything.
>Jeremy_Hall: CHIU 8E HUIC +18 18
#note weird placement
>Joshua_Sokol: AAAEEOT -AAEO +0 0
#note Sims better than ET, due in part to the ACET synergy. I bingo around 4-5% more often if Jeremy continues to play offense, although this is definitely a tad more variant than keeping ET. I made sure to mix the bag so as not to draw back my 4 A's from last turn.
>Jeremy_Hall: IIIII -IIIII +0 18
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AENRTV 9A VERsANT +71 71
#note I'll take it. I'm glad I remembered correctly that HUIC takes no hooks. VARmENT looks slightly better than VERSANT here upon review
>Jeremy_Hall: ER A7 RE. +18 36
>Joshua_Sokol: AGIJOTW 7C JOW +30 101
#note Things are looking much better than they were two turns ago!
>Jeremy_Hall: GN E7 ...NG +24 60
#note I had a feeling he was going to play this. Maybe it's a coincidence but maybe I'm just that intuitive of a player.
>Joshua_Sokol: AAGITUW D11 AWA +15 116
#note And considering that intuition I actually should have put more thought into this play. He's definitely keeping a bingo leave. So I should play C7 (J)U(R)AT. This was a colossal failure. It just gives back so much without addressing much of anything on the board. The E in VERSANT is the best lane at this point unless he has an S, and the W is much, much better than the GU combo here.
>Jeremy_Hall: AEEPRRT B8 R.PEATER +84 144
>Joshua_Sokol: EEGISTU 15A U.GE +18 134
#note Back to trouble here. Hoping to hit a lucky break, but I doubt I can draw one of the two remaining R's here for (AWA)R(E), so I've gotta focus on trying to outrun or drawing into a lucky bingo.
>Jeremy_Hall: EKO A11 OKE +27 171
#note alright, outrunning is not happening.
>Joshua_Sokol: EEFISTT F11 EFT +10 144
#note Should I leave off the extra T here?
>Jeremy_Hall: DEP E13 PED +18 189
>Joshua_Sokol: DEIISST 12F .IDEISTS +78 222
#note whew! Back in the driver's seat, probably
>Jeremy_Hall: IQ 11J QI +37 226
#note hmm, perhaps not!
>Joshua_Sokol: AEHIIOT M9 HOI.E +24 246
#note I didn't give any thought to H10 IO(D)ATE, which is looking good if I want to be conservative about the board here. This is a tad risky, and you'll see why. 13L OHIA though is something many people might wrongly play. That gives back a very free and easy-to-access hotspot, whereas HOISE allows big comebacks but then big anti-comebacks afterward for me. In any case, I really like IODATE here! Definitely complicates the game to my liking.
>Jeremy_Hall: LOX N8 LOX +56 282
>Joshua_Sokol: AADIIST O7 AID +25 271
>Jeremy_Hall: IMM 6M MIM +16 298
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEINST 14G ETESIAN +68 339
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEINST -- -68 271
#note And then the impatience gets to me. Had I thought a bit longer about why I thought HOISEN* was a word, I would have realized I could easily be confusing it with HOSEN, HAUSEN, HOISIN, only the latter of which I considered when hesitating to make this play. I'm not in horrible shape here. The bingo can wait. It was too good to be true. I've been here before. Damn it.
>Jeremy_Hall: ILLY 7J LILY +22 320
#note Jeremy did at least commit a blunder here, forgetting about S(LILY). I wondered if he had taken that into account, and decided he probably missed it. It's a sly little hook, and quite the counterintuitive one.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEINST H12 .EAN +15 286
#note on the one hand I curse Jeremy for giving me a chance here, but on the other hand I really, really needed this win. And then I decided not to fish, for fear of DRAWING AN E OF WHICH THERE WERE NONE LEFT IN THE POOL. The choking is real, folks! The choking is real... Just J6 E(L). Don't be afraid of losing, Josh. You've already committed yourself to playing suboptimally.
>Jeremy_Hall: AGLNNR K3 LARN.NG +16 336
#note Lucky, but also bad news bears. Jeremy is smartly digging for the blank or the Z or the S. He cited the fact that he was 50 points up after this, and assumed he would win at least half of the time against a bingo of mine if he drew one of those three tiles. Definitely a sharp thought.
>Joshua_Sokol: BEIOSTU 3I BO.ETUS +24 310
#note Don't ask. I also chickened out of BOUSE. This play is absolutely horrible.
>Jeremy_Hall: FY L2 F.Y +28 364
>Joshua_Sokol: CINORSV J2 C.N +17 327
#note wow. F11 (EFT)S to go for CORVINA or CORVINE. Wouldn't have worked. I also was unsure of CORVINA. Thought might be just CORBINA. Didn't have enough time to analyze how often this worked, but went for it anyway. Perhaps I could outscore somehow if he makes a weak block somewhere and I draw something nice.
>Jeremy_Hall: ?AAOZ 15G A.OA +4 368
#note Another enlightening play by Jeremy. Not great, since it gives me a very good spot too, but a good idea nonetheless.
>Joshua_Sokol: BDIORSV 14J BIRDS +48 375
>Jeremy_Hall: ?OTUZ O1 Ze.T +39 407
>Joshua_Sokol: OV 10L V.. +13 388
#note -2 L7 (L)O first. One point worse than just going out. Hoped he would spaz and go over or something.
>Jeremy_Hall: OU L7 .O +6 413
>Joshua_Sokol: O J7 .O +5 393
>Joshua_Sokol: (U) +2 395