Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Steve_Tier Steve Tier
>Joshua_Sokol: DEIJNRT H4 JERID +42 42
#note Steve and I have had some interesting games. I urged Steve to minimize the shenanigans this game. He didn't quite listen, but it's probably best that way!
>Steve_Tier: EEFOSTU 8B OUTFEE.S +63 63
#note ....smh....
I didn't even question this word til' the game was over. If I had even so much as held this word, I would have challenged. Not to say that I know any words. I would have thought for example that OUTBREED was no good because I didn't remember OUTBRED, for the same reason I would have challenged OUTFEED* because I didn't remember OUTFED*. Trouble is, I probably checked this word in the past couple of months.
>Joshua_Sokol: IINNRTU 5H .NNUI +10 52
#note and now that shenanigan number 1 has occurred, I proceed to play a really weak game. Start off by missing JINNI somehow and throwing 10 fictional placebo points down the drain. (Not expecting anyone to understand the of thought that just occurred)
>Steve_Tier: AAIK D8 .AIKA +18 81
>Steve_Tier: AAIK -- -18 63
#note And I was so confident in my word knowledge that I challenged this. And I was successful. I was very proud of myself.
>Joshua_Sokol: HHIIRTU 4L HUH +28 80
#note not much I can change in this turn because of the letters I know Steve has. Would have liked to block KAI(F) if it made any sense, but alas
>Steve_Tier: AAEIK G6 AK.E +27 90
>Joshua_Sokol: AIIIRTY F3 AIRY +29 109
#note Just unloading tiles here. I should have figured out that I had done something wrong earlier to be put into this position of being the underdog after a successful challenge.
>Steve_Tier: DFI 2D DIF +34 124
>Joshua_Sokol: ACIIRTT 1A TACIT +30 139
#note almost missed this too
>Steve_Tier: AENV 3K VANE +29 153
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEIRTY D8 .ERTIArY +78 217
#note Saw ALTERITY first, then FERACITY, then this. Missed YTTERBIA and didn't look for (S)YbARITE because why look through the S
>Steve_Tier: NOO C13 NOO +16 169
>Joshua_Sokol: ?DNSTWZ 14B b..TZ +64 281
#note Cool options here. 14B W(Or)DS to set up a possible ZEsT A12 next turn is cool. But I think I burn the blank here for sure.
>Steve_Tier: AIO 11B IO.A +8 177
>Joshua_Sokol: DMNSSWX C7 W.D +18 299
#note Missing SW(U)M, and realized after the fact that playing 3 tiles was much better here with something like 3D SN(A)W, if I want to hit the X-bomb as anticipated next turn.
"Scrabble, where everything's made up and the points don't matter."
You can quote me on that one
>Steve_Tier: IP 2N PI +24 201
>Joshua_Sokol: LMNOSSX 10A OX +50 349
>Steve_Tier: AEILV 15F ALIVE +35 236
>Joshua_Sokol: LLLMNSS 9F L.S +19 368
#note This might be the first instance that has come up in Scrabble for me, where it's probably correct to exchange an S. There are no hooks on this board, and the second S is therefore pretty useless. I need to retain one because Steve is likely to try and make an S setup play to try to win, but otherwise the second S is a burden. And I think Steve is keen enough to see I have been in a heft state of consonant-itis for the past few turns, which would prompt him to try and exploit that somehow, so even a play like 3D SL(A)M might backfire. I need to try and balance my rack here and probably should sacrifice some points to do so.
>Steve_Tier: EMRRU 14J MURRE +36 272
>Joshua_Sokol: LLMNORS O1 L. +6 374
#note There was another S out. I don't know if I was trying to throw this game away or what. Maybe I just knew he had the Q. Doesn't everyone else just always draw the Q after they've played their U?
This was a greedy fish for an E or an A.
>Steve_Tier: Q 4E Q. +11 283
>Joshua_Sokol: LMNOORS 15N MO +16 390
#note Now I take the winning route, around 10 turns too late.
>Steve_Tier: EEG 13H GEE +10 293
>Joshua_Sokol: ABLNORS 13M ORB +19 409
>Steve_Tier: ACOST 12I ASCOT +25 318
>Joshua_Sokol: ADGLNSW 3A WAGS +20 429
#note -15 to B1 (A)WL. Wow. Hoped he would miss my out, but his endgame overwrites mine anyway
>Steve_Tier: BEEGNP B1 .G.PE +16 334
#note -24 to 2A EN
>Joshua_Sokol: DLN 5A L.ND +5 434
>Joshua_Sokol: (BEN) +10 444