Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Dave_Koenig Dave Koenig
#player2 Chris_Lipe Chris Lipe
>Dave_Koenig: ENOOORU -OOU +0 0
>Chris_Lipe: ADIRX 8H RADIX +42 42
>Dave_Koenig: AELNORU 7C ALEURON +65 65
>Chris_Lipe: BEEHLLR C2 BEERH.LL +78 120
>Dave_Koenig: ?AEIMTZ B9 AZyMITE +126 191
>Dave_Koenig: ?ACGINR (challenge) +5 196
>Chris_Lipe: EEJP A6 JEEP +44 164
>Dave_Koenig: ?ACGINR 15A R.AChING +167 363
>Chris_Lipe: FGUU 9K FUGU +24 188
>Dave_Koenig: ADLOOST 8N OD +11 374
>Chris_Lipe: ABEU 14F BEAU +27 215
>Dave_Koenig: ADLOSST E2 TOADL.SS +68 442
>Chris_Lipe: AQT B1 QAT +34 249
>Dave_Koenig: CEHINOT O1 TECHNOI. +104 546
>Dave_Koenig: IINSTVW (challenge) +5 551
>Chris_Lipe: DFOW 13E DOWF +37 286
>Dave_Koenig: IINSTVW 2L WIV. +20 571
>Chris_Lipe: AINOV 3I AVION +27 313
>Dave_Koenig: AGINPST 10N PI +21 592
#note Given the strength of the leave and the tile pool I was digging into, and the fact that I have no chance to lose, it made sense to set up my S and go aggressively for a bingo this way. There is some risk I might give him an S-ending bingo spot, but so what? Also, keeping the I instead of the A to keep ING together does not seem as salient, because there are two more I's and no A's unseen, and because -ING bingos generally won't fit, unless they are -INGS bingos.
>Chris_Lipe: OY N5 OY +28 341
>Dave_Koenig: AEGKNST K7 K.. +10 602
#note Most draws give a bingo that fits on row 1 or row 11. E: SANGEET or NEGATES. I: GENISTA or GAINEST. M: MAGNETS both places. N: GANNETS both places. O: TANGOES bottom only. R: GARNETS both places. S: no bingo. T: GESTANT top only. Y: no bingo.
>Chris_Lipe: EY 6E .YE +29 370
>Dave_Koenig: AEGNOST 11H TANGOES +72 674
>Chris_Lipe: EIIMRST 1F MIRIEST +87 457
>Chris_Lipe: (ENR) +6 463
#note I only held NR when Chris bingoed out. Best guess is I failed to remove the last E from the bag after TANGOES. We scored it as 674-2=672 for me and 457+2=459 for Lipe.
Player 2
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