Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nick_Ball Nick Ball
#player2 JD JD
>Nick_Ball: DERV 8G VERD +16 16
>Nick_Ball: CU J6 CU. +12 28
>JD: BCEHHIS K5 CH +21 21
#note I spent like 10 minutes on this move. I was not in a good state of mind after fort wayne! this is a challenging play - top-simmer is actually BISH at 5H setting up a CH play for next turn, and also with really good defense. CHIB for 11 is the strongest play for bingoing fast.
>Nick_Ball: FGILT 4I GLIFT +26 54
#note star plays are HUTIA# and BUSHIE#
>Nick_Ball: AF H1 FA. +27 81
>JD: EIIILSS 6J ..ILI +12 48
>Nick_Ball: IQ 5N QI +22 103
>JD: ?EEINSS O4 E.SwEINS +85 133
#note no triple-triple! I looked for another 10 minutes for one. this is best
>Nick_Ball: AEIORSW G7 A.OWRIES +67 170
>Nick_Ball: AABGNOR (challenge) +5 175
>JD: AADEKNN 14B KNEAD. +30 163
>Nick_Ball: AABGNOR D7 BARONAG. +74 249
>JD: AEENRTW 3K WEAN +35 198
>Nick_Ball: JNOY 8A YOJ.N +45 294
>JD: EGLORTZ 15A ZO +39 237
>Nick_Ball: EP 2M PE +17 311
>JD: EEEGLRT C8 .ETE +19 256
>Nick_Ball: TT 2G T.T +9 320
>JD: EEGLLMR E10 MEL +23 279
>Nick_Ball: ?AEINRT A1 INTERlA. +83 403
>JD: DEGILOR 1N GO +13 292
>Nick_Ball: MOUV N11 OVUM +20 423
>JD: DEILOPR O13 POD +26 318
>Nick_Ball: AXY 10G .AXY +25 448
#note XRAY
>Nick_Ball: OSTU C1 TOU.S +10 458
>Nick_Ball: (IR) +4 462
Player 2
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