Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Daniel_Milton Daniel Milton
#player2 Chris_Lipe Chris Lipe
>Daniel_Milton: ?AENNOS 8D NOSEANs +64 64
#note Daniel lets out an "Oh My Gosh. Almost missed a mineral! That would've been deadly!"

Quackle's best: 8C jOANNES, 8D SONANcE and 8G ANyONES/ANcONES all for 64
>Chris_Lipe: EIJLLUV D2 LEVULI. +20 20
#note Quackle's best: F6 JU(S) 26
>Daniel_Milton: CDDOTYZ F5 DZO. +34 98
#note Quackle's best: 3A ZYD(E)CO 42
>Chris_Lipe: ABBFGJT 7C J.G.T +28 48
#note Quackle's Best: C1 JAB 34
>Daniel_Milton: CDEHTVY 3B CH.VY +32 130
#note Quackle's Best: 3C V(E)TCHY 42
>Chris_Lipe: AABBEFU 2F FAB +32 80
#note Quackle's Best: 2F FUB 32
>Daniel_Milton: ADEIOTY 1G TOYED +41 171
#note Quackle's Best: H1 O(B)EY 39
>Chris_Lipe: ?ABEPRU J8 .UPERBAd +68 148
#note Chris sighs or just takes a heavy breath out.

Quackle's Best.

Move challenged.
>Daniel_Milton: AGIIILT 15F ILIA. +12 183
#note Quackle's Best: K1 (D)IGITAL 18
>Chris_Lipe: AHINORU 2J HOURI +48 196
#note Chris puts his hood up. SUPERBAD brony* sitting on my left? :)

Quackle's Best.
>Daniel_Milton: GIIOQRT 1N QI +44 227
#note Quackle's Best.
>Chris_Lipe: AAENOTW 14B AWATO +24 220
#note Chris shakes his head. His hands are on his head. Scribbling on his scoresheet.

Quackle's Best.
>Daniel_Milton: GILORTW 15A GLOW +52 279
#note Quackle's Best.
>Chris_Lipe: AEINNNU 5F .UENNA +14 234
#note Quackle's Best: 13J (B)UNNIA 16

Chris almost puts this on the board, thinks about it briefly, then chooses to play it again.
>Daniel_Milton: EIORRTT 12H TE.ROR +14 293
#note Quackle's Best: 9G TRO(U)TIER 70
>Chris_Lipe: CDEEIIN 4H DIENE +27 261
#note Quackle's Best: 11H ID(E)E 19
>Daniel_Milton: GINRRST M4 STRING +17 310
#note Chris's hood is down again. And he stretches and drinks his coffee.

Quackle's Best: 14H ST(A)RRING 72
>Chris_Lipe: CDFIMPS 14I F.P +13 274
#note Daniel asks me if I'm keeping up and seemed to think I was allowed to confirm scores! Told him I wasn't allowed to say and Chris confirms scores.

Quackle's Best: 14I M(A)FICS 30
>Daniel_Milton: EEEMORT 11C REMOTE +18 328
#note Quackle's Best: 11B EROTEME 70
>Chris_Lipe: ACDEIMS 10D MAD +25 299
#note Erm. I think Daniel may have lost an I... it's in the bag or under the board or something but I can confirm all 100 were present when we started!

Daniel now notices the I lying on the table by the bag! We confirm it hasn't come off the board and now he has all 6 :)

Quackle's Best: N10 MESIC 37
>Daniel_Milton: AEIKSX N12 SIX +27 355
#note Daniel let's out an "Oh sh*t". At this point I would think Chris would be saying those things....

Quackle's Best: 12A AXES 36
>Chris_Lipe: CEIS O13 SIC +26 325
#note Quackle's Best: 12A ICES 26
>Daniel_Milton: AEK L7 KEA +20 375
#note Daniel has mistracked, not that it matters.

Overscored by 2

Final Scores: Daniel Milton 378, Chris Lipe 324
>Daniel_Milton: (E) +2 377
Player 2
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