Player 1 |
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Jon_Shreve Jon Shreve
>Thomas_Reinke: ADIKNRS 8H DRANK +30 30
#note Chickened out of KINDA.
>Jon_Shreve: IX 7G XI +20 20
>Thomas_Reinke: ABGHIIS 6F BAH +30 60
#note Give me points, I demand points.
>Jon_Shreve: IORRTW 5H WORRIT +29 49
>Thomas_Reinke: DEGIINS L8 .INGSIDE +80 140
#note 10 more points than INDIGENS, opens up a triple-triple? Give me the points. Points points points. That's what I want.
>Jon_Shreve: GJLNU 15G JUNGL. +42 91
>Thomas_Reinke: EEMNORW 4L MEOW +36 176
>Jon_Shreve: ATT 3L ATT +19 110
>Thomas_Reinke: EFNOORU O4 .OONERF +39 215
#note Cross that one off the list.
>Jon_Shreve: ETY N6 YET +31 141
>Thomas_Reinke: AAAORTU J3 AU.A +6 221
#note 7D ATAXIA is cool, but gives up a lot. I stand by this.
>Jon_Shreve: DPUY 11I PUD.Y +24 165
>Thomas_Reinke: AEILQRT J10 Q.AI +33 254
>Jon_Shreve: EE 14L .EE +8 173
>Thomas_Reinke: ALOPRST 9B PATROLS +73 327
>Jon_Shreve: ABEILNV D2 BIVALEN. +78 251
>Thomas_Reinke: ?EFIIOS M9 FO. +24 351
#note E8 ORIFICES, oops. And here I thought I played well this game.
>Jon_Shreve: AH 10F HA +28 279
>Thomas_Reinke: ?EEIISS B9 .EISES +20 371
#note Took a ton of time on this play, would have played 10A SEIS but couldn't remember which of BIVALENT or DIVALENT took an S. Slapped this down just to see some new tiles.
>Jon_Shreve: GOV 11E VOG +24 303
>Thomas_Reinke: ??CEILO 13A r.COILEd +68 439
#note There was enough decent stuff in the pool that I didn't want to bingo through the B. Had I seen LIBECCIO, though, it would have been hard to pass up.
>Jon_Shreve: IZ 2D .IZ +34 337
>Thomas_Reinke: EENU G1 NEE +19 458
>Jon_Shreve: CDMRT D12 C.RM +22 359
>Thomas_Reinke: U 1G .U +6 464
>Thomas_Reinke: (DT) +6 470