Player 1 |
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Thomas_Reinke: AEEHOQV 8D HEAVE +30 30
#note T: Maybe I should have done HEVEA to minimize the hooks.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EGILNR E5 cRE.LING +82 82
#note J: Seemed like this closed the bottom pretty quickly and the top in a few turns. Although S(HEAVE) will be an issue, (HEAVE)R or (HEAVE)N can block that but set up a new lane. This really just made so much stuff inaccessible, but then I talked myself into SCREELING* being good. STREEL STREEL STREEL. I always think it's SCREEL*
>Thomas_Reinke: AADEOQR 10B QAD. +34 64
>Joshua_Sokol: DEFLNOU 9C FO.D +31 113
#note cool, I can get rid of SHEAVE now.
>Thomas_Reinke: AACEEOR 6C AE.O +6 70
#note T: Keeping the C like a true expert.
>Joshua_Sokol: EIJLNNU I6 JUN +23 136
#note J: uh. Whoops. Goddamnit.
>Thomas_Reinke: ACEORUX 7A COX +37 107
#note T: Better to give the C than to give all the hooks to OX.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEILNOZ A4 ZIN.O +78 214
#note J: I feel really really bad now for winning this game. Gosh. What a disappointment to miss that bingo last turn... I didn't even look for a bingo. I already felt sickened by how well I was drawing
>Thomas_Reinke: AEIRSSU J8 SAURIES +74 181
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AELLSY 11H SE.iALLY +70 284
#note J: EYEBALLS was missed. WEASELLY was missed, WALLEYES was missed, MESIALLY I didn't know, SERIALLY plays through the I you idiot... The list goes on and on. What the hell was I doing this game?
>Thomas_Reinke: MMRTTUY O7 YUMM. +45 226
#note T: Keeping the S and E in SAURIES available versus going down from the Y.
>Joshua_Sokol: CEEGKRT L8 CRE.K +28 312
#note J: I really should have lost this game. I even told Thomas before I played CREELING that I hope he wins. I guess I psyched myself out. I didn't think SKEET was valid. But it's a normal word.
>Thomas_Reinke: LOORTTW J4 TWO +19 245
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEGGRT K5 EGG +31 343
>Thomas_Reinke: LOPRSTT L2 PLOT +18 263
#note T: Opening another (crappy) bingo lane, with the idea of maybe trying SPLOT* in desperation if needed. C1 POSTTAX looks better than this.
>Joshua_Sokol: AABEHRT H11 .HEAR +36 379
#note J: N2 BERTHA. N9 HA(L)BERT. I gave him a bingo
>Thomas_Reinke: BINORST 14B SORBIT.N. +76 339
#note J: beautiful find.
>Joshua_Sokol: AABEIIT N10 A.IBI +24 403
>Thomas_Reinke: ADDEFIP B2 DEAF +32 371
>Joshua_Sokol: AENOTTW 2I WEA.ON +26 429
#note J: this blocks everything except ERUPTIVE, but spread-wise it's pretty bad. Nothing wins 100% as far as I can tell. Perhaps I can outrun more often if I play 13A OWE or TOW and he bingos. More often than him having the exact rack of RUPTIVE, that is. Probably not.
>Thomas_Reinke: DEIIIPU 3L .IEU +14 385
#note J: well, that happened! I think it looks lik M2 (O)I is better here
>Joshua_Sokol: NRTTTV C12 TR.T +8 437
>Thomas_Reinke: DIIP 15A DI. +14 399
>Joshua_Sokol: NTV F13 V.N +6 443
>Thomas_Reinke: IP 11A PI +15 414
>Thomas_Reinke: (T) +2 416 |