Player 1 |
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Steve_Bush Steve Bush
>Morris_Greenberg: ?CDEOSV 8D COVED +28 28
>Steve_Bush: BEQTUU E7 B.UQUET +36 36
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ADIRSY 14E SAtYRID +83 111
#note Maybe 14B DAISY instead?
>Steve_Bush: EEIPRTT H1 PRETTIE. +86 122
>Morris_Greenberg: AEELRST 5D ALER.EST +82 193
>Steve_Bush: OXY 4B OXY +36 158
#note Such a volatile board!
>Morris_Greenberg: AHILNRS 3B LARN +34 227
#note This is a really tight decision between IN(T)HRALS, HARL, and LARN. To be honest, I didn't even see INTHRALS at the time. But, sort of blocking the huge spot seems like a good move here. It's important to point out that Steve almost definitely did not have the B or F when he played OXY, unless he's a huge risk taker. Playing LARN or HARL now allows for the damage to be limited if he did draw it, and I could play HIS B6 next turn if I have big reasons to believe it'll be a problem next turn. That was my logic for LARN over HARL, but not sure which of the three is best.
>Steve_Bush: EOZ 2F ZE.O +33 191
>Morris_Greenberg: AEHIORS H12 HO.A +42 269
#note Another tough decision! A(P)HORISE seemed way too risky for my liking on an already crazy board.
>Steve_Bush: GIOV 12A VOGI. +26 217
>Morris_Greenberg: EGIKORS B1 RE..OK +40 309
#note Phew.
>Steve_Bush: ?ABELLT L8 BALLETs +82 299
#note BALLETs/B(OXY) would've been 99 points!
>Morris_Greenberg: EGIJMOS M7 JOG +30 339
#note I realized after I hit my clock that JIG is right here with so many I's out.
>Steve_Bush: DFNR B10 FR.ND +34 333
>Morris_Greenberg: CEIINSU 1A U.IC +27 366
>Steve_Bush: MW 3G M.W +31 364
>Morris_Greenberg: DEIMNNS 8L ..ND +21 387
#note Tough choice between (V)EIN and (BO)ND. It seems likely he'll play at the VEIN spot given all of the A's and I's still out. However, I can come back from a lot of those plays. I can't come back from a bingo unless I bingo, and the pool and M(E)W suggests a bingo friendly leave. One major qualm with this is that if he bingoes here, he likely blocks all of my bingos, whereas if I play something like IN F10, I could bingo back. Quackle therefore likes IN best, which wasn't on my radar really at the time.
>Steve_Bush: EIW A12 .IEW +35 399
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIIMNS O8 .IAMINES +86 473
#note #Luckbox.
>Steve_Bush: AGNOU 10E .UANGO +20 419
>Morris_Greenberg: EFIINPS 11J FI.S +19 492
#note PINE N12 first (because FI(T)S 4F is also a possibility!)
>Steve_Bush: AAHT 6J HAT +29 448
>Morris_Greenberg: EINP N12 PINE +24 516
>Morris_Greenberg: (A) +2 518