Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Greg_Heidler Greg Heidler
>Morris_Greenberg: IMOPRST 8C IMPORTS +78 78
#note This begins a crazy run of luck where I average 476 in the last 13 games. Yes, 476.
>Greg_Heidler: ?ADEIST E4 TAlI.EDS +90 90
>Morris_Greenberg: AAADEGH D1 AHEAD +27 105
#note I was choosing between AHA D4 and AHEAD. I thought the extra 5 points were worth taking here. Quackle disagrees.
>Greg_Heidler: EMW C1 MEW +35 125
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AGGGIR 10E .RAGGInG +65 170
>Greg_Heidler: BE 1A BE.. +24 149
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEEHOR H10 .HERAO +33 203
#note I missed the lovely RE(IMPORTS) here, but I thought taking the 33 for GHERAO trumped the O fishes that Quackle prefers slightly like O(WE) and O(I). I still stand by that. There's no reason to let Greg get back into the game with a 30ish point play for a low point bingo fish.
>Greg_Heidler: KO 7C KO. +27 176
>Morris_Greenberg: DEEIUUY B1 .YE +36 239
>Greg_Heidler: AEFJT K8 FA.JET +30 206
>Morris_Greenberg: BDEITUU 13G B.UI.ED +28 267
>Greg_Heidler: WZ J12 W.Z +40 246
>Morris_Greenberg: EFOQTUU L4 TUQUE +36 303
>Greg_Heidler: IPX K3 PIX +44 290
>Morris_Greenberg: AEFNOOT L10 .ON. +31 334
#note Interesting GONE vs. GONEF choice. I perhaps was flawed here, but I thought that keeping the F here really allows for me to score next turn while Greg might be looking at a weak board for him. This will eliminate worst case scenarios of drawing vowel heavy racks. Quackle prefers GONEF fwiw.
>Greg_Heidler: CEN 8K ..NCE +30 320
>Morris_Greenberg: AEFOOST 14L FOO +24 358
>Greg_Heidler: INST 15L SNIT +32 352
>Morris_Greenberg: AEELLST F4 EL +9 367
#note This is a tough position, but I should just take the few extra points for L(AT)E 4C or (JO)LE 11K.
>Greg_Heidler: IN M6 IN. +18 370
>Morris_Greenberg: AELRSTU O1 RESALUT. +77 444
>Greg_Heidler: LN 4C L...N +14 384
>Morris_Greenberg: ADILOOV I1 OVOIDAL. +64 508
#note Interestingly, Quackle says playing D11 OVOID is stronger.
>Greg_Heidler: CINRRVY - +0 384
>Morris_Greenberg: A G10 .A +7 515
>Morris_Greenberg: (CINRRVY) +30 545
Player 2
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