Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Chuck_Armstrong Chuck Armstrong
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGGLOW 8D WAGGLE +30 30
#note Didn't know the new WOGGLE.
>Chuck_Armstrong: DIOTV J8 DIVOT +30 30
>Morris_Greenberg: ABEFGOS K11 FOB +28 58
>Chuck_Armstrong: DOX 9H OX.D +39 69
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AEGIIS L7 GIE +18 76
>Chuck_Armstrong: ?CEEEFR 10B FlEECER +78 147
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AAINRS M8 tSARINA +80 156
>Chuck_Armstrong: AIR L12 RIA +21 168
>Morris_Greenberg: DEOPTTY C9 P.OYED +28 184
#note Wasn't sure of P(l)OTTY.
>Chuck_Armstrong: UV F6 VU. +15 183
>Morris_Greenberg: CLLNSTT 13B C.LT +6 190
>Chuck_Armstrong: ADEOSTU 6A OUTSA.ED +64 247
#note Oh my god, this is phony and I didn't even think about it. I suck.
>Morris_Greenberg: HLNOSST A4 HO.TS +36 226
#note I was choosing between 15H HOLTS, and HOOTS this turn. Because there's only 1 L in the pools left that can go in the RIA spot, I felt comfortable with leaving that open (I have 2 letters that can go there). Quackle likes this more of the two plays I considered, but likes OH 7H just as much! That didn't even cross my mind at the time, but I still prefer playing off the 2 extra consonants here.
>Chuck_Armstrong: AENPW H1 PAWNE. +39 286
>Morris_Greenberg: AELNRSY 2H .NALYSER +76 302
>Chuck_Armstrong: AMOR 1L MORA +47 333
>Morris_Greenberg: BEEHIJO B1 JIBE +31 333
#note There's something to be said for EH N13 here. It scores almost as much, and leaving the J unexposed could make it very hard for Chuck to decide how to play next turn. The problem with JIBE is not only that it gives back A(J)I, but that once I play it to tie Chuck, he can make a huge Z or Q play in column D without worrying about big counterplays.
>Chuck_Armstrong: IILNRT 15G NITRIL +26 359
>Morris_Greenberg: EEHIINO 14H HIE +19 352
#note Quackle says H(E)INIE wins more often
>Chuck_Armstrong: ANQTU D1 QUANT. +50 409
>Morris_Greenberg: EIMNOZ 10M .ZO +32 384
#note N(A)ZI
>Chuck_Armstrong: KU 3D .UK +7 416
>Chuck_Armstrong: (EIMN) +12 428
Player 2
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