Player 1 |
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Mike_Baron Mike Baron
>Morris_Greenberg: AEILRTU 8D URALITE +66 66
>Mike_Baron: BHO 7J HOB +13 13
>Morris_Greenberg: DEGKNNS D7 G.NKED +24 90
>Mike_Baron: CDEIIRR 11A CID.RIER +72 85
#note I held this, then I remembered it was just added, then released, then realized I was thinking of CEDARIER when I said I accept so I immediately said hold again after. But, since I said I accept in between, I couldn't re-hold. Grrr.
>Morris_Greenberg: AGLNSSS H11 .ANGS +21 111
#note This is a mistake I think I was frustrated about CIDERIER. I thought I should keep the board open, which is why I played this over (C)LAGS for 6 more points. I really don't see why I need to. I have a lead still, and I am holding so many S's that the board can stay pretty closed and I will likely have much more access to some lines than Mike for this reason.
>Mike_Baron: ??DINTW 15A ouTWIND. +92 177
>Morris_Greenberg: AAFLSSY M3 FLAYS +34 145
#note Maybe FAY 9H instead? I should probably keep this lane open.
>Mike_Baron: AO 10B OA. +16 193
>Morris_Greenberg: AACNPST 10H CATNAPS +74 219
>Morris_Greenberg: AACNPST -- -74 145
#note I somehow convinced myself CRANG* was a word. I suck.
>Mike_Baron: AEERV L7 .EAVER +24 217
>Morris_Greenberg: AACNPST 4L C.AP +22 167
>Mike_Baron: AO O3 A.O +5 222
>Morris_Greenberg: AENORST C7 AR +15 182
>Mike_Baron: AELVY B3 LEAVY +26 248
>Morris_Greenberg: EENORST G1 ENTRESO. +60 242
#note I saw E(A)RSTONE a few seconds after I hit my clock. This is much worse.
>Mike_Baron: FZ 1F F.Z +45 293
>Morris_Greenberg: IIIMNNU 9I INI. +14 256
>Mike_Baron: EIMT A1 ITEM +36 329
>Morris_Greenberg: IMNTUUX 14B XU +36 292
#note There's an argument to be made for 14E XU. It's 12 fewer points, but a Q stick might be my best shot to win, and if I do this now I only have to worry about 1 more spot.
>Mike_Baron: BLOTU K11 BOULT +24 353
>Morris_Greenberg: IIMNSTU 10L .IM +14 306
#note This looks to be by far the best option
>Mike_Baron: DEOP N10 .OPED +20 373
>Morris_Greenberg: IJNSTUW F10 J.N +26 332
#note I saw the highest scoring sequence of WIN N13 and then JUTS O7, which would lose by 8 (We had the score as 370-306 at this point). But, that's a very intuitive endgame for Mike, where he just plays his Q for 31 points. This is a tougher endgame for him and he could easily mess it up if he's fixated on blocking (T)WIST.
>Mike_Baron: EEGHOOQ E14 Q. +11 384
>Morris_Greenberg: ISTUW 15K .WIST +47 379
>Mike_Baron: EEGHOO 5E GH.E +16 400
#note (APO)GEE.
>Morris_Greenberg: U 13H .U +3 382
>Morris_Greenberg: (EOO) +6 388