Player 1 |
#player1 Jackson_Smylie Jackson Smylie
#player2 Roy_Kamen Roy Kamen
>Jackson_Smylie: DEFNTUW H8 UNWED +22 22
>Roy_Kamen: EYZ G11 YEZ +33 33
>Jackson_Smylie: DEFOQTV 8G Q.OTED +18 40
#note tunnelled waaaaay too hard here with the Q. missed VOWED!
>Roy_Kamen: BDNO K5 BON.D +16 49
>Jackson_Smylie: AEFGPRV F10 VEG +26 66
#note figured AFPR had more overlapping potential than EPRV.
>Roy_Kamen: INXY L2 NIXY +35 84
>Jackson_Smylie: AEEFPRW J4 PAW +37 103
>Roy_Kamen: IT M3 TI +17 101
>Jackson_Smylie: AEEFRRR M3 ..ER +13 116
#note valuation isn't much lower between feyer and tear, so liked taking out this possible S line he can use.
>Roy_Kamen: HO I7 H.O +14 115
>Jackson_Smylie: AEFILRR 11E F...R +22 138
>Roy_Kamen: EIMOOSU 4L ..S +10 125
>Jackson_Smylie: ACEILLR L8 .ECAL +19 157
#note I was fairly sure DECAL took an S, but maybe play DARIC if I want him to not put an S on it, cause darics doesn't look like a word? I might be overthinking this, cause CAGED is surely fine. D bingoes are very seldom.
>Roy_Kamen: AEIRRST 13I ARTSIER +75 200
>Jackson_Smylie: AILMORU O7 MORULA. +30 187
#note this is a pretty shitty situation suddenly, so I have to hope I can outscore my way back in
>Roy_Kamen: IV 2J VI. +14 214
>Jackson_Smylie: ADEEIMO N7 EDEMA +35 222
#note Keeps VOW in reserve, which I'm fairly sure he's missing anyways (after HOO)
>Roy_Kamen: EL K11 LE. +12 226
>Jackson_Smylie: AEGIIOT 10F .O. +25 247
>Roy_Kamen: OT 4H TO. +6 232
>Jackson_Smylie: AEGIITU G3 GAIT +13 260
#note May have been being a bit too paranoid here, and also missed AUGITE, which gives up a few bingoes but also has much better outscoring potential. with EN? specified, augite clearly wins the sim, gait 11 behind. I strongly considered GUTTA here, in case he puts an S on the back, but he probably knows that and the ING spot it sets up with is annoying and will be hard to deal with. GAIT might be an overreaction here (as it turned out, he didn't even have the blank)
>Roy_Kamen: AACGHKN 12D GA... +21 253
>Jackson_Smylie: ?AEEITU F5 TUI +11 271
#note at this point I want him to think I don't have the blank so he sets up more spots, cause I am quite confident he has the blank. this is a problem with GAIT though, it hinders me from outrunning a lot
>Roy_Kamen: IKN H1 KNI. +27 280
>Jackson_Smylie: ??AEEHN 12J E.. +5 276
#note Q likes ENGAGED but he deals with that quite effectively, and my bingo % plummets. I am liking HAEN or HAE. EEL is silly, I was hoping for redshank, but that only happens with 3/16 draws
>Roy_Kamen: FIR 13C FIR +21 301
>Jackson_Smylie: ??ABEHN 3G ..B +16 292
#note bean sort of forks. i dont know
>Roy_Kamen: AP 1F PA. +9 310
>Jackson_Smylie: ??AEHNN 2E NA +10 302
#note champ says outscoring is the way to go - HENNA looks pretty good. If i'm to bingo, NE has gotta be better - if he plays JOSS or JOCO I often get a binto back anyways. This was really silly, these two blanks really fucked me up and my motives got all skewed. Outscoring here is fine, I'm in control.
>Roy_Kamen: CJLOOSU 6E J..S +11 321
>Jackson_Smylie: ??EHNOU 14B HEdON +33 335
#note wins here are slightly hard to find - tENtH for 43 I missed, then JO/OI. The CENTU/VENDU/TENCU plays require finding HOPAK up top, and aEON under FIR sets up UGH next. I really just need to look for a scoing out in two here. Really frustrated with my playing this game. hedon is also phony
>Roy_Kamen: CILOS 15A COS +26 347
>Jackson_Smylie: ?U J12 ..Uv +5 340
>Jackson_Smylie: (IL) +4 344