Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mark_Fidler Mark Fidler
#player2 Jackson_Smylie Jackson Smylie
>Mark_Fidler: AHI 8F AHI +12 12
>Jackson_Smylie: DEEGQWY 9F WEDGY +30 30
>Mark_Fidler: AFNU 10C FAUN +17 29
>Jackson_Smylie: ACEINQR 9B QI +18 48
#note FAQIR!!!!!111
>Mark_Fidler: AINNOST 7A ONANIST +73 102
>Jackson_Smylie: ACEELNR A4 CAN.E +30 78
>Mark_Fidler: AELPU 4A .ULPAE +20 122
>Jackson_Smylie: BELLORT 8J BOLTER +34 112
>Mark_Fidler: EJX B2 JE.X +45 167
>Jackson_Smylie: EILPRRS N7 R.PLIERS +74 186
>Mark_Fidler: ACV 12K CAV. +18 185
>Jackson_Smylie: AGOOOTT 5D OTTO +18 204
>Mark_Fidler: ABW 7I WAB +24 209
>Jackson_Smylie: ?AGHIOU 6H HAG +30 234
#note hog is a bit better, only one A left, and IOU? isn't better than AIU? to begin with. sorta missed hog!
>Mark_Fidler: DLSY D9 S.DLY +30 239
>Jackson_Smylie: ?EIOUUV -IOUUV +0 234
#note are JUVIE and UVEOUS suicidal? I didn't see uveous but I imagine it's better, we still have two bingo lanes and a trade isn't too bad (more likely he doesn't even bingo on the bottom). the kinda paranoid play I made too often in the tournament - he averages like 8 more in the sim after uveous, but still worth making the play. specifying S, uveous sims about 5 up.
>Mark_Fidler: GIKNR 13C R.KING +30 269
>Jackson_Smylie: ?DEENOR O1 ENDORsE. +79 313
>Mark_Fidler: ?FOOTUV H13 .OT +12 281
>Jackson_Smylie: AEEIIMR 3I REAIME. +22 335
#note IMARET here is good. I like AIM best. His range is slightly wide, ? or S both make sense, but even slightly less bingo prone things make sense. DIOST and stuff. I fucked up here by thinking REAIMED* didn't give back a bingo line, when in fact it does give a higher scoring one. AIM has gotta be right, even though Q likes IMARET. Also reaimed* is not a word. ugh.
>Mark_Fidler: ?DEEIMT 2D MErITED +72 353
#note seedtime is cool!
>Jackson_Smylie: IOSUUVZ 10L SU.U +4 339
#note and the worst part about REAIMED is that, given an even mediocre range for Mark (and really good stuff makes the most sense), I'm drawing 6 tiles into a very bad pool, whereas after AIM I'm drawing 3. No wins here, so I'm just hoping he mistracks or misses vizor.
>Mark_Fidler: FIO 4K IF +22 375
>Jackson_Smylie: IOVZ M6 ZI. +17 356
>Mark_Fidler: O 2N O. +8 383
>Mark_Fidler: (OV) +10 393
Player 2
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