Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
>Morris_Greenberg: CDERUV 8D CURVED +30 30
>Charles_Reinke: AEIILNU D7 A.ULEI +16 16
>Morris_Greenberg: ANO 11C A.ON +8 38
>Charles_Reinke: AGIIMNR I7 A.MIRING +67 83
#note Somehow missing MIGRAIN(E). Evidently I am having trouble recognizing anagram pairs since I easily saw IMAGIN(E)R.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEINSTV C1 VAINEST +75 113
>Charles_Reinke: AEFNOTW 1A WO.EN +36 119
>Morris_Greenberg: BEJR 12H J.BER +44 157
#note Scored as 42.
>Charles_Reinke: AEFMOQT 4A FA.TOM +30 149
#note This is an out-of-character play for me since I will usually dump the Q if given a reasonable chance (in this case, B3 QAT). 2B F(A)ME is best.
>Morris_Greenberg: DEINSTY 5E DESTINY +104 261
>Charles_Reinke: EFIPQRS 4I QI +24 173
#note 7H F(A)QIR is quite a bit better I think. Quackle is consolingly telling me that it's only a small error.
>Morris_Greenberg: EEEZ A4 .EEZE +51 312
>Charles_Reinke: EFPRSST B6 FER +43 216
#note FES would be better but I really didn't want to telegraph my S at this point.
>Morris_Greenberg: ABEU 3J BEAU +17 329
#note Morris had the X here. Here I noticed that the E's were almost gone; not good for my bing hopes.
>Charles_Reinke: GOPSSTU N2 STOUP +33 249
>Morris_Greenberg: EHIK O5 HIKE +42 371
#note The last E!
>Charles_Reinke: AGNOOSY O1 GOY +34 283
>Morris_Greenberg: RX 2B R.X +33 404
>Charles_Reinke: ADLNOST N8 DALTONS +73 356
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AGLORT K7 GLOAT.Rs +66 470
>Charles_Reinke: ?ACHIOW O12 WAIl +43 399
>Morris_Greenberg: DILP L1 PI.L +18 488
>Charles_Reinke: CHO 13F CHO. +22 421
>Charles_Reinke: (D) +4 425
#note Final: 486-425. Conclusion after analyzing 31 games: still have major word knowledge holes and strategic oversights. Happily, most Scrabble players have generally the same issues as I do! Unhappily, there are quite a few players who are able to stay consistent over 31 games in a way that I'm not quite able to replicate.
Player 2
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