Player 1 |
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Alec Alec
>Will: ACNOORU 8D CORNUA +22 22
>Alec: EGINPPR I7 P.PERING +70 70
#note I truly thought this took an S...
>Will: AAEIOSW J5 AWA +18 40
>Alec: ADESZ 12G AZ.DES +52 122
>Will: EEIOOSS H10 OO.E +19 59
>Alec: DEY 14G ED.Y +32 154
>Will: EIORSSV 15A VIROSES +85 144
#note Saving me from even thinking of the phony hook.
>Alec: INTU D8 .UTIN +14 168
>Will: ?BEGHKV 14B KEG +33 177
#note Almost did HEDGY fishing for GIVEBACK for a million points but when I don't hit it I have so much clunk...Quackle likes it a smidge over KEG anyway.
>Alec: IRRTTU K7 RUTTI.R +19 187
>Will: ?ABHMVW 5I V.W +18 195
#note Close between K3 VAW and 5I VAW for 10 less. The scoring spot after K3 VAW is pretty strong, but at least it's likely to set up a new bingo lane...I'm comfortable with my move, with HEDGY and G11 MABES waiting in reserve to keep the scoring up.
>Alec: JO 10B JO. +26 213
>Will: ?AABHMT 14F H.... +34 229
#note Still biding my time
>Alec: ACIN 8K .NCIA +24 237
>Will: ?AABIMT E8 .MA +20 249
#note Already attuned to some cool possibilities after this move
>Alec: EILNX O4 XENI.L +21 258
>Will: ??ABFIT E4 FIBr...TA +66 315
#note Literally the perfect draw.
>Alec: DEEILOT G1 DELETIO. +61 319
>Will: ?AEFGMQ 1E FA.GE +30 345
#note OK, first of all, H1 EF is much better than FADGE, which stupidly makes a nice new 7s line. But I think QUAFF is just fine too - that's a bingo score and if Alec doesn't hit something next turn, I'll block and that should be it. There's nowhere else for him to even open new lanes.
>Alec: HIL 2F H.IL +33 352
>Will: ?BMOQRY 7N Q. +22 367
#note Should be home free after this with EMBRYO coming up
>Alec: DOU 4L DOU. +24 376
>Will: ?BMORSY 15J eMBRYO +49 416
#note Actually -3 to 3I MORAY
>Alec: AEELNT N10 NEATL. +22 398
>Will: S 10B ....S +14 430
>Will: (E) +2 432