Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Jason_L. Jason L.
>Mack: BEELNNX H4 BENNE +20 20
>Jason_L.: ?AILNSS 5D AINS.LlS +78 78
>Mack: DLMNRVX -LMNVX +0 20
>Jason_L.: ADRW 4A WARD +30 108
>Mack: CDNOORY A1 CRO.DY +45 65
>Jason_L.: AELTY 2A .EALTY +34 142
>Mack: DEMNOOR I8 DOORMEN +65 130
>Jason_L.: CEGIIOT K1 EGOI.TIC +61 203
>Mack: EOSUVWX 1H WOV. +30 160
#note Keeping EX for next turn rather than cashing in now and leaving Jason with row 1 while keeping the ugly UVW
>Jason_L.: EITU 8K .UTIE +24 227
>Mack: EEIRSUX 14H U.SEXIER +84 244
>Jason_L.: AHPT 15E PATH +42 269
>Mack: ?KLOQRU N6 QU.RK +48 292
>Jason_L.: GGJU 8D JUGG.. +24 293
>Mack: ?BEILOT 11E LaBO.ITE +86 378
>Jason_L.: FLOP 12L FLOP +34 327
>Mack: AEEIOTZ 10F ZA +65 443
>Jason_L.: HM J10 H.M +35 362
>Mack: AEEIOST O11 O.E.A +21 464
>Jason_L.: DIINV O3 DIVIN. +24 386
>Mack: AEEFIST N1 FIE +15 479
>Jason_L.: AANR M2 AR +14 400
>Mack: AEST 12C ETAS +21 500
>Mack: (AN) +4 504
Player 2
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