Player 1 |
#player1 Jeff_Clark Jeff Clark
#player2 Jason Jason
>Jeff_Clark: DEIJMOY 8D JOYED +48 48
>Jason: AGHIKPR 9E PAH +30 30
>Jeff_Clark: EEILMRU 10E EM +29 77
>Jason: EGIKNRX 11C KIN +26 56
#note Don't know why I didn't play KIRN, among a handful of better plays.
>Jeff_Clark: EGHILRU C9 HI.ER +32 109
#note Jeff said he debated between this or HIRE at 7G. This is fifth, HIRE sixth, a fraction of a percentage point behind. Top four are all at 7G: HEIL, HI, HIE and HEIR.
>Jason: ADEFGRX B8 RAX +56 112
#note Gah! Why not just AX, leave the D and R at the ready? Stoo-pid!
>Jeff_Clark: AEGLSTU A4 GLUTE +30 139
>Jason: DEEFGIN 7G FEEDING +85 197
#note Rewarded for my stupidity. This or FEIGNED, but the latter gives up potential big plays along row 8. However, I think this doesn't take the S, but I'm not sure.
>Jeff_Clark: AARSTUW B12 WAUR +21 160
>Jason: AGILOTW 15A G.OW +36 233
>Jeff_Clark: ?AAESST K4 SAT.AtES +78 238
#note Only double-double. Unfortunately, this doesn't help me solve the FEEDINGS* mystery.
>Jason: ?ACEILT 4D ArTICLE. +74 307
#note Giving away that I don't like FEEDINGS*, since LACIEsT or LATICEs is 82. Only ALoETIC at L9 scores more.
>Jeff_Clark: ABEEOUV J9 ABOVE +29 267
#note Another questionable -S hook. Now two: I'm pretty sure the first is no good, and I think this one's no good, too. Meanwhile, my opponent knows it's FEEDINGS* and ABOVES. Word knowledge must be nice...
>Jason: INOOPST C3 OPT +22 329
#note ABOVES burns me, as I don't play OPTIONS at 14D. Also missed STOOP or SNOOP at B2 for 41. Boy, I played bad Sunday... Even keeping the T and playing OP there is superior, but I don't like racing to a bingo at this stage.
>Jeff_Clark: BEFINTU M2 TUBIN. +18 285
>Jason: AIMNOST I9 MO +19 348
#note Missed OM at B5 for four more.
>Jeff_Clark: DEEEFLV 2J FEL.ED +36 321
#note Missing LEVEED at H10 for 48.
>Jason: ADINNST 1G ANTI +17 365
#note I knew this was a bad play, but I felt like I had to block the easier bingo line to hit.
>Jeff_Clark: CEISVYZ 1N YE +29 350
#note Championship Player's choice is interesting: IVY for 23 at B1. Not sure how I feel about that. This is 12th.
>Jason: DINOQSU 2F QI +33 398
#note ABOVES continues to kill me. QUODS, QUIDS, QUINS at 14F ... all put it away.
>Jeff_Clark: CIORSVZ 13I Z.ROS +48 398
#note Championship Player's pick is COV(E) at 13G, setting up Z(O)RI. It says it wins 62.27%, but I can't believe that's right. Kind of like the GHI play in my game vs. McKenzie; Q says 50% and sim said 100%. Championship Player says this wins 25%.
>Jason: ADINOSU 12L DUO +16 414
#note Earning a "nice play" from Jeff (took me a while to see, too). Quite a few guaranteed wins; Championship Player says this is second.
>Jeff_Clark: CINORRV N9 VIN. +9 407
#note Best.
>Jason: AILNS 14D ANILS +12 426
#note Scratchy game, but it did the job. Back to five games above .500 and with Brian's loss, I was back in first place.
>Jason: (CROR) +12 438