Game Details
Player 1
#player1 New_Player_1 New Player 1
#player2 Alec Alec
>New_Player_1: GILNRRY 8H GIRLY +26 26
#note Morris provided his racks!
>Alec: DEENPTW L3 TWEED. +26 26
#note LEWD K8 is best. (-0)
>New_Player_1: ?INRRUV 3I VIR.U +24 50
>Alec: NOOPSTX 5J OX.N +22 48
#note TROOP K2 is best. (-8)
>New_Player_1: ?ANRTUU 6J RU. +18 68
>Alec: LOPSSST 9F SPOT +16 64
#note PST N2 is best. (-3)
>New_Player_1: ?ANNRTU 7C TURNmAN +66 134
>New_Player_1: ?ANNRTU -- -66 68
#note iNSURANT F7 is the only bingo.
>Alec: BEHLSST 10F HETS +39 103
#note SHE 10E is best by win%. (+4)
>New_Player_1: ?ANNRTU 11E RAN +17 85
>Alec: ?ABILNS D6 ABLINgS +71 174
#note LeSBIAN D8 is best. (-16)
>New_Player_1: ?EINNTU 5B UNTwINE +71 156
>Alec: EJOOTUZ - +0 174
#note Challenged TABLINGS.
>New_Player_1: AAEIOOR K8 .OOIE +10 166
>Alec: EJOOTUZ 8A JOU.E +36 210
#note Best.
>New_Player_1: AAAAIRW -AAAIW +0 166
>Alec: FLOPTTZ L12 FLOP +34 244
#note POTFUL is best. (+0)
>New_Player_1: AEEFQRS J2 Q. +31 197
>Alec: AADOTTZ F4 T.Z +32 276
#note TAD 4F is best. (-18)
>New_Player_1: ADEEFRS M12 FADE +36 233
>Alec: AADENOT G3 DO.A +20 296
#note Best.
>New_Player_1: EEGIMRS N6 REGIMES +78 311
>Alec: AAAEINT N14 AA +17 313
#note Best.
>New_Player_1: ABCCGIW B4 C.B +13 324
>Alec: AEHIMNT O4 HAEMIN +62 375
#note Best.
>New_Player_1: ACEGIRW M9 WE +23 347
>Alec: AIKOTVY 15K A...K +33 408
#note One of many moves that win 100%. TOY 4F is best (-18).
>New_Player_1: ACDEGIR C12 ICE +12 359
#note Morris was low on time. The best endgame is RID E11; TOY J12; CAGER 14B. (-22)
>Alec: ILOTVY 14B L.VITY +28 436
#note The best endgame is VEIL 14B; DAG 12G; TOY 13H. (-1)
>New_Player_1: ADGR H4 R.G +22 381
#note GAD 15A is best. (-6)
>Alec: O A8 .O +9 445
#note Best.
>Alec: (AD) +6 451
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-01-28 16:03:42 Server IP: