Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Darrell Darrell
#player2 Joey Joey
>Darrell: BEO 8H OBE +10 10
>Joey: ?IMPTXY 9H PYX +43 43
>Darrell: AEILSY K3 EASILY +27 37
>Joey: ?AIMTTU 3D UlTIMAT. +61 104
#note This sequence of letters fits one row lower for another 9 points.
>Darrell: UV H1 VU. +24 61
>Joey: HIOORSS L3 SH +30 134
#note I knew SHO was added but forgot to see it. Better yet would have been finding ORTHOSIS.
>Darrell: ?AABDFR M4 ABFARaD +69 130
>Joey: DINOORS 11G INDOORS +79 213
>Darrell: FOOW 7E WOOF +19 149
>Joey: ACEEHTZ 8M .EZ +36 249
>Darrell: AERTV 8A TRAVE +41 190
>Joey: AACEHNT C6 AC.NTHAE +84 333
>Darrell: AIQ 2G Q.AI +32 222
>Joey: AILMNNO 5D NOMINAL. +70 403
>Darrell: EOR 10C .ORE +6 228
>Joey: DEEIKNN B4 INK +33 436
>Darrell: EI L10 I.E +9 237
>Joey: CDEEEGN 11B G.EE +22 458
>Darrell: IR 6M .IR +8 245
>Joey: CDEGGNP K10 G.NG +13 471
>Darrell: DLOT A1 DOLT +21 266
>Joey: CDEEPSU 14I CUSPED +33 504
>Darrell: EIJRTUW M13 J.W +26 292
>Joey: EL 2A .LE +6 510
>Joey: (EIRTU) +10 520
Player 2
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