Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Steve Steve
#player2 Elaine Elaine
>Steve: AILOOSV 8D VIOLA +24 24
>Elaine: DGGOY 9F DOGGY +23 23
>Steve: CDEFIOS 10D FIDO +24 48
>Elaine: EIN D10 .INE +14 37
>Steve: CCENOPS C11 PONCE +28 76
>Elaine: EKM 15A ME.K +45 82
>Steve: ACDENSU 11A CU..D +26 102
#note 2nd best to ASCEND 8j.
>Elaine: EINW A8 WIN.E +33 115
>Steve: AAENQST -AQ +0 102
#note Duck likes ditching the Q at E7 for 11 points. Just over three percent in winning chances, and over 5 points in valuation.
>Elaine: ITU 7H TUI +8 123
>Steve: AEMNSTX J6 X. +25 127
>Elaine: AHI K4 AHI +21 144
>Steve: AEMNQST 4H QAN.T +48 175
>Elaine: DEOTTU 11G TOUTED +18 162
>Steve: EFGLMSS 12K FEMS +29 204
>Elaine: LLU M12 .ULL +12 174
>Steve: EGLPRSY 15L G.EY +30 234
>Elaine: BR I3 B.R +8 182
>Steve: EEJLPRS B6 JEE +31 265
>Elaine: EORSTZ M2 ZOSTER +47 229
>Steve: BELPRRS 2M .EP +28 293
#note tough choice here and I make the wrong one. 2j PREZ is best; it's second in valuation to I11 URB and first in winning percentage. ZEP is 11 percentage points back in wp (79-68), and 15 back in valuation (20-5) after a sim.
H11 ORB is just behind URB.
>Elaine: AAIN O1 A.IAN +24 253
>Steve: ABILRRS 5B ABRI +23 316
#note 8k BASIL for 40. For some reason I wasn't confident that ZOSTER took an -S, but even so, I never saw the BASIL possibility.
>Elaine: HO N5 OH +29 282
>Steve: LORSSTW 13G WORST +19 335
#note Scary situation with both blanks still unseen. This wins a sim, significantly.
>Elaine: ?AAAERV J2 VA. +18 300
>Steve: ?ILNRS 10K LoRN +15 350
#note Not very good in terms of point spread, but it wins.
>Elaine: ?AAER F1 AREAs +12 312
>Elaine: (IS) +4 316
Player 2
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