Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Bernard Bernard
>Joshua_Sokol: EIINRSW H3 SWINIER +78 78
#note wow
>Bernard: APU 6F PU.A +12 12
>Joshua_Sokol: ILNNOOR 3B RONION. +16 94
>Bernard: LX G5 L.X +37 49
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CELORZ F2 Z.O +32 126
#note ZERO ugh
>Bernard: DEGO 4H .ODGE +20 69
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ACEHLT B2 T.ACHLEs +90 216
#note TRAUCHLE is good too, probably correct to sacrifice the 4 points here.
>Bernard: DEOTU A8 OUTED +31 100
>Joshua_Sokol: BEENNRR 7E RE..NE +21 237
#note just needed to win here, seemed this was winninger, but apparently it sucks. NERR is not a bad leave.
>Bernard: AE K3 A.E +8 108
>Joshua_Sokol: BBGNORS 2I BOG +14 251
#note talked myself out of a 4 here. COBB SALAD IS REAL!
>Bernard: AEINRST M2 NASTIER +77 185
>Joshua_Sokol: BNRSSUY D1 BU.NY +26 277
#note BURRY is good. Forgot it
>Bernard: AELY 8K EA.LY +27 212
>Joshua_Sokol: AMRSSTU 12A .URMASTS +74 351
>Bernard: AAFIKQW - +0 212
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEGITV N8 .EVIGATE +90 441
>Bernard: AAFIKQW - +0 212
>Joshua_Sokol: ADDILQT M11 QADI +50 491
>Bernard: IKP H12 .KIP +30 242
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CDILTV 12L V..I +18 509
#note just wanted to block JOW. Silly. just play V(A)C
>Bernard: AFFJMOW N5 OF +28 270
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CDHILT 15N .H +15 524
#note bad fish
>Bernard: AEFJORW O1 JOWAR +51 321
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CDILMT J7 .DICTaL +25 549
#note -2
>Bernard: EF 11D EF +24 345
>Bernard: (M) +6 351
Player 2
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