Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
#player2 Peter_Schmiedicke Peter Schmiedicke
>Charles_Reinke: ADEIOOW H4 WOODIE +28 28
>Peter_Schmiedicke: ILORT 10F LIROT +20 20
>Charles_Reinke: ?AAEKNO 4G A.OKEN +26 54
#note I saw that I had OAKEN on my rack but didn't realize it played at 9E for 31 points.
>Peter_Schmiedicke: ERX 5K REX +26 46
>Charles_Reinke: ?AAJRYZ 8E JAn.ZARY +80 134
>Peter_Schmiedicke: GUV 6L GUV +28 74
>Charles_Reinke: AABCCDP 11I PAC +20 154
#note Doubted myself on BACCA, which is significantly better than my play.
>Peter_Schmiedicke: ?BENORT 12D BaRONET +76 150
>Charles_Reinke: ABCDIMV 13C VIM +23 177
#note G3 C(A)BMA(n) is cool but not a huge improvement over this. I like how this sets up a bingo line on row 14 even if it's not a very useful one. CABMAN does have the bonus of blocking the moderately lucrative hotspot on row 3.
>Peter_Schmiedicke: AEHRTY 3B EARTHY +41 191
>Charles_Reinke: ABCDEIN C3 .BIDANCE +67 244
#note Very glad when Peter switched from HEARTY to EARTHY, thus opening up the necessary A.
>Peter_Schmiedicke: EPU D1 PU.E +26 217
>Charles_Reinke: DNNQRST -DNNQT +0 244
>Peter_Schmiedicke: EHU B10 HUE +27 244
>Charles_Reinke: EFLRSSS A12 FESS +42 286
>Peter_Schmiedicke: ILOT 1D .ILOT +21 265
>Charles_Reinke: AAILORS O6 SOLARIA +82 368
>Peter_Schmiedicke: EMW N12 MEW +20 285
#note Scored as 16.
>Charles_Reinke: EGIINST 15H IGNITES +86 454
>Peter_Schmiedicke: EGN 5B G.EN +17 302
>Charles_Reinke: DDINOQT 14K QI +24 478
>Peter_Schmiedicke: AFLU 6F AF.UL +12 314
>Peter_Schmiedicke: (DDNOT) +14 328
Player 2
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