Game Details
Player 1
#player1 deen deen
#player2 josh_s josh s
>deen: AEILNRW 8G LAW +12 12
#note This game was a bit frustrating. I played reasonably well, but a bunch of poor draws late in the game, and a substantial miss, led to an untenable endgame.
>josh_s: NOW J6 WON +21 21
>deen: AEEINRT 9H RETINAE +74 86
#note Best placement and score (TRAINEE, ARENITE too)
>josh_s: AOZ 8M ZOA +49 70
>deen: CLMNOTU 10D COLUMN +23 109
#note O and U are generally the worst vowels to contend with, but I was able to salvage this rack with COLUMN. Unfortunately my six-tile reward was QVVNGA.
>josh_s: DDIRU 11I DRUID +22 92
>deen: AGNQTVV -AGNQVV +0 109
#note Perhaps ANT or even GANT was worth keeping, but the board was short on open vowels, so I opted to just keep A - I didn't want to keep too many consonants and S/blank was the only decent scoring hook as well, so digging deep seemed reasonable.
>josh_s: HOP 11E HOP +32 124
#note Scoring and shutting down the best lanes/hooks.
>deen: ?ABINRY D3 BARYoNI. +80 189
#note I actually got the blank! BRAYINg and BIRYANi didn't play (I didn't see BAIRNlY), but I did find one of my nicest bingoes of the event: BARYoNI(C) to the open C.
>josh_s: PRS K8 S.R.P +15 139
>deen: EIITTVY 13K YETI +25 214
#note 8A VEINY for 33 probably better, but Josh' play suggested an S was likely, and I opted to take out the hook.
>josh_s: GOR 12K .ROG +27 166
>deen: ACEGITU 8A CUI.G +24 238
>josh_s: DEHIRST A5 DIT.HERS +65 231
#note Josh lands his bingo - funnily it's a word I challenged once before (an opening play of DITCHER) against a fairly novice player. They won the challenge and 2x2 bingoed on their next turn to take a lead of roughly 170-0...
>deen: AEEKTUV C2 TAKE +32 270
#note Quackle likes this despite the lack of S-hook. Shame to leave UV on the rack, but I couldn't find anything scoring with a less worrisome leave. Josh admitted to being worried here, thinking I had a setup tile for a big play next.
>josh_s: BM C7 M.B +26 257
>deen: AEENSUV 1A VASE +33 303
#note A fortunte draw in that I managed to pick an S- hook for my previous play of TAKE, but unfortunately I became too fixated on grabbing the hotspot before Josh could use it. The UV combination is problematic, particularly if one is unfortunate enough to draw additional U's and/or V's. As such, I completely whiffed on a bingo here, UN(W)EAVES, through a W in another part of the board, and played VASE/S(TAKE) for 33. I didn't realize this miss during the game, but it's never good to overlook a bingo. My draws over the next few turns were serious trouble.
>josh_s: FOX 12D FOX +42 299
#note Profiting from the X to keep the score tight.
>deen: EEIINOU B4 OE +14 317
#note Drew EIIO to ENU. Ugh! With a virtually tied score, I should have just traded here, hoping to draw some premium tiles. I felt compelled to take away a decent scoring spot on column E and fish fo the L for (VASE)LINE, but it was only a low scoring two tile play, and left me with almost as poor a rack. I was actually fortunate to draw the last S, but this was still a very big mistake I think, even moreso than the previous play.
>josh_s: J 3B J.. +22 321
>deen: EEIINSU -EIU +0 317
#note FWIW, Quackle agrees, but losing momentum here. The leave is great, but the board isn't. Trying for VASELINE again lol
>josh_s: ADNV O4 VAND. +13 334
>deen: AEIINQS O10 QIS +22 339
#note If QI were available anywhere, I might have survived this draw, but there was simply no way to rid myself of the Q without burning the S as well (QIS). And this had a huge problem, which Josh readily exploited. Anyone have any other ideas here? - trading again seemed pretty futile.
>josh_s: EEL 14M EEL +19 353
#note This looks like the end. Josh has the blank, which is also the only hook for DOTE.
>deen: AEINOTU 6J .O +5 344
#note Virtually hopeless, but this sets up a 2nd bingo lane in the event that Josh miraculously can't bingo. A blocking play like 15N NO for 17 levels the score, but with Josh holding the blank, it's hard to believe I would hang on. The last two tiles in the bag were FE, so I'd be emptying it, and holding AEEFITU on the final rack, to Josh' LIGATE? A play like VASELInE will win for him, likely others too.
>josh_s: ?AEGILT 15G GELATIs +79 432
>deen: AEEINTU L1 AUNTIE +20 364
>josh_s: F 10A .F +13 445
>josh_s: (E) +2 447
#note Well, that's that!
Player 2
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