Player 1 |
#player1 fiz fiz
#player2 Steve_Grob Steve Grob
>fiz: AEGHIO 8D HOAGIE +28 28
>Steve_Grob: AEIMNRW E4 AIRW.MEN +102 102
>fiz: AF F10 FA +28 56
>Steve_Grob: AGIISTU J3 ATIGIS +22 124
>fiz: AINOP D1 PIANO +26 82
>Steve_Grob: EKPRSUV 1D .ERVS +30 154
>fiz: ?AEHNOT H8 .NcHOATE +83 165
>Steve_Grob: EEKOPUV G13 KEP +31 185
#note setting up the V with some vowel draws while blocking bingo lines
>fiz: DRT 7I D.RT +12 177
>Steve_Grob: EGOOTUV 4H OU.GO +14 199
#note Q likes more points, plays V(A)GUE. for 26
>fiz: CENORUX -CENO +0 177
>Steve_Grob: EOTVWYY F13 OY +34 233
>fiz: DEINORT 10H .ENTROID +62 239
>Steve_Grob: DEETVWY O8 TE.DY +42 275
>fiz: EO G7 E.O +9 248
>Steve_Grob: ACEELVW M9 V.WEL +30 305
>fiz: ?ABEEIN N2 BEtAINE +72 320
>Steve_Grob: ACEILRS I13 SIC +29 334
#note S not as valuable on this board; Q likes CARIES or CERIAS at O1 for 39, CA(M) at 9c for fishing, and CARSE 14j for 38. SIC also rated highly.
>fiz: BMR 2B BR.M +20 340
>Steve_Grob: ADEILLR O1 LIDAR +32 366
#note d8 (H)ERALD is a good option when choosing not to bingo. I saw BRAILLED, but didn't want to get stuck w the Q while he dinked me to death. He had about 10 minutes left, to my one.
>fiz: ACFSTUU L6 U. +2 342
#note Sim likes L3 FOU; L12 FACT is the highest scoring play.
>Steve_Grob: EJLQTXZ 3M X.. +22 388
#note ZED here is better. Q also likes12J JET(E). Says it's 87 percent to win.
>fiz: ACFLNSU 12J CLU. +12 354
#note This is good enough to win, if Jeff plays it correctly.
>Steve_Grob: EJLNQTZ 5C J..N +11 399
#note Blocks Jeff's outplay of FAUNAS, unwittingly.
>fiz: AFSU K2 FA.S +22 376
#note Fateful error, not to block my Z play. The simple (YETI)S does it, as does something like US/VOWELS.
>Steve_Grob: ELQTZ K12 .EZ +12 411
>fiz: U K9 U. +2 378
>fiz: (LQT) +24 402