Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jerry Jerry
#player2 JD JD
>Jerry: OUY 8G YOU +12 12
#note not sure why I went with this option, the G's weakness makes up for keeping the R. just GROW looks normal.
>Jerry: ?EEFORV J6 FOREVEr +85 97
>JD: AEGGNRU 10J .UG +7 28
#note I dunno. ENGAGER at 11E is 36 and AEGNR isn't such a powerhouse leave, but I still like slowing down the game. BUG is 5 extra, but also clogs my bingo lanes on row 11 and 12. quackle thinks my move is a big mistake, but I don't think I have a choice.
>Jerry: AADDHRS M5 SRADDHA +76 173
>JD: AAEGNQR -AQ +0 28
>Jerry: EITZ E7 ZI.ET +32 205
>JD: AEGNRTX K9 T.X +40 68
>Jerry: BHIMSTT N10 SMITH +42 247
#note I chose this instead of RANGIER for 5 more because it sets up -ING bingos on row 4 - I need 2 or 3 more bingos and lanes to go with them. after RANGIER or ANGRIER at N1, jerry can play on row 1 and potentially block column K. Quackle does bear out that playing on column K produces more bingos, so maybe there was some validity to my thought process.
>Jerry: ABDI 1K .ABID +27 274
>Jerry: GIINNT 3I TI.NING +23 297
>JD: AEILNOQ 13L QA. +24 243
>Jerry: EJST 15L JEST +68 365
>Jerry: EOPR 1E ROPE +35 400
>JD: ?ELOPRU 13D PELORUs +72 386
#note looks like too little too late. I thought that putting a vowel at H12 was too prone to letting jerry score.
>Jerry: EINTU O3 .UNITE +24 424
#note do I have a chance??
>JD: ACDOSVY H11 VA.DY +39 425
>JD: ACDOSVY -- -39 386
#note I should play COVE which leaves me with multiple 30+ point outs. but, couldn't quit without trying something.
>Jerry: ACEEMW 5C WAME +34 458
>JD: ACDOSVY H11 YA.DS +30 416
#note 1 worse than SCROD
>Jerry: CE D13 .EC +10 468
>Jerry: (COV) +16 484
Player 2
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