Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
>Thomas_Reinke: AH 8H AH +10 10
>Charles_Reinke: ACEEKNR J6 CRANK +33 33
#note Went for points here. I could also make a "fishier" play with KAE or something similar.
>Thomas_Reinke: AGIINRT K9 AIRTING +74 84
>Charles_Reinke: EEEEEOS 15J O.EE +6 39
#note I wanted to exchange but I had a reasonable play blocking the 3x3 so I made it.
>Thomas_Reinke: HIMO M11 HOMI. +20 104
>Charles_Reinke: DEEEEMS N10 DEEMS +41 80
#note N9 SEEMED is actually the same score. Didn't realize that.
>Thomas_Reinke: EIJNSX O6 JINXES +69 173
>Charles_Reinke: ADEEEGO L6 OGEED +19 99
#note Going through E's too fast.
>Thomas_Reinke: IQ 9G QI +23 196
>Charles_Reinke: ABELOPW 14G BLOW. +31 130
#note AP(OGEE)? Passed up OW(N) and BAW(N) in the same spot because they gave back free points. So does this but not as bad.
>Thomas_Reinke: ITZ 10F ZIT +46 242
>Charles_Reinke: AEILPSU H12 PU.I +27 157
#note I can still do AP(OGEE), but for 37 points now!
>Thomas_Reinke: ABLO 11C BOLA +23 265
>Charles_Reinke: AACELSU C6 CAUSA.LE +78 235
#note This game was going to be a blowout if I didn't get this miracle bingo.
>Thomas_Reinke: INTW M3 TWIN +16 281
>Charles_Reinke: EFGNRRY 8A FR.G +30 265
>Thomas_Reinke: DEFLO 4J FLO.ED +30 311
>Charles_Reinke: AENORTY O1 YON. +24 289
#note There are still two blanks out. I could play B7 T(R)OY (which I missed) to block column A and leave only row 3 available for low-scoring bingos. With this play the blanks become a lot more important.
>Thomas_Reinke: IPY 12A PI.Y +34 345
>Charles_Reinke: AERTTVV 10B V.T +20 309
>Thomas_Reinke: ??ENORT 1H cORNETc. +80 425
>Charles_Reinke: AAERSTV A12 .AVE +27 336
>Thomas_Reinke: ADERUU 3H UREA +12 437
>Charles_Reinke: ARST E5 TARS +17 353
>Charles_Reinke: (DU) +6 359
Player 2
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