Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Randy_Hersom Randy Hersom
#player2 Steve Steve
>Randy_Hersom: NNNORRV -NN +0 0
>Steve: FLOPRRS 8F PROF +18 18
>Randy_Hersom: ?EIRSST H8 .ESTRInS +74 74
>Steve: ELLMMRS 13G M.LL +10 28
>Randy_Hersom: AWY G6 AW.Y +27 101
>Steve: AAAEMRS F6 MA. +28 56
#note Might have done MANA if I'd seen it.
>Randy_Hersom: ADIIO 14J OIDIA +20 121
>Steve: AAEEGRS 13L AGA +19 75
>Randy_Hersom: AJT E5 TAJ +38 159
>Steve: AEEEORS -EEO +0 75
>Randy_Hersom: EIWZ 15D WIZE. +21 180
>Steve: AEEOPRS 11C OPERA.ES +70 145
#note Too busy patting myself on the back for keeping the T open on the last turn, to consider PROTEASE.
>Randy_Hersom: EE D11 .EE +10 190
>Steve: AEEFINT D3 FIE +14 159
#note This sims poorly vs FE in the same spot, or OAF or FE elsewhere. Without an S or R on my rack, I felt I needed to do this to open up the top of the board.
>Randy_Hersom: EEGN 10C GENE +22 212
>Steve: ?ABEINT O7 BANTIEs +81 240
>Randy_Hersom: TV 13C V.T +12 224
>Steve: ACEHKSU N6 HAKU +31 271
#note In my mind, it was this or H1 HACEKS. Having the case S made this the choice.
>Randy_Hersom: BTU M5 BUT +17 241
>Steve: CEGHINS J2 GINCHES +85 356
>Randy_Hersom: DIINORT - +0 241
#note Challenge
>Steve: LLNORUU 3B UN.URL +20 376
#note My only hesitation on doing this was that the Q was still out there.
>Randy_Hersom: EQRY B2 Q.ERY +50 291
#note Yup
>Steve: DIILNOO A6 OLIO +17 393
>Randy_Hersom: DNORTVX 3I X. +17 308
>Steve: DDINOOV 12J ODD +24 417
#note Glad I had the patience to look for something here rather than reflexively throw down 4H VINO.
>Randy_Hersom: CDNORT 11A CO........ +14 322
#note Pretty, but he didn't consider my out play.
>Steve: INOV A11 .OVIN +33 450
>Steve: (DNRT) +10 460
Player 2
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