Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Ruth_Hamilton Ruth Hamilton
>JD: AEFIOOR 8G FOO +12 12
#note saw OOFIER# and should've played it, AEIR weak.
>Ruth_Hamilton: INPTU J4 INPUT +20 20
>JD: AAEIOPR 9G APO +20 32
#note FAPOEIRA remains unacceptable.
>Ruth_Hamilton: IO K5 OI +12 32
>JD: AEGIORS F8 AGO +21 53
#note surprisingly, AGIO at F8 sims even. perhaps after AGO ruth is too likely to block column L where my bingos score best?
>Ruth_Hamilton: ADEX L4 AXED +39 71
>JD: EIINRSW 3K IWI +28 81
>Ruth_Hamilton: EMNTU 11E UNMET +19 90
>Ruth_Hamilton: AEMN 13G MANE +29 119
>JD: EHLLNNR 14J HELL +29 193
#note mildly terrifying, but too many points to pass up.
>Ruth_Hamilton: EGOOS N11 GOOSE +28 147
>JD: IINNRTW O9 TWIN +14 207
>Ruth_Hamilton: ?ACDESS 2E ClASSED +64 211
#note declass/rehs!
>JD: AAGINRT 1G TIAN +24 231
#note definitely time to ditch this rack, although quackle prefers keeping AGN over AGR by a lot, especially since this is the last N.
>Ruth_Hamilton: BBELO E2 .OBBLE +24 235
>JD: AGHKRRY M12 HY.A +38 269
>Ruth_Hamilton: RUY 4C RU.Y +18 253
>JD: GIKRRTT L9 GIRT +24 293
>Ruth_Hamilton: ILRV 6B VIR. +15 268
>JD: ?AKLRTZ O9 ....K +22 315
#note minimizes disaster potential by limiting my exposure to the Q. I could also play the Z this turn but I was happy to save TZARS/REHS as a minimum.
>Ruth_Hamilton: IQ 2M QI +33 301
>JD: ?AFLRTZ 10K F.Z +15 330
#note there are several moves I definitely cannot make here - ZARF at 13A risks a response of ADZED, and playing ZARFS on row 15 risks getting me V-stuck. This move also loses some endgames because Ruth has some out-in-twos that can beat me after FIZ - if I draw DV, she plays JEE at 3A leaving DACE at C12, and similarly if I draw DD she can start with JEE and save CAVE (33/36 win chance). However, both sequences require her to spot CENSURER, which is not the easiest thing to spot. The most accurate play is to fish the F again and prevent an out-in-two, but I was greedy for extra spread, and ALRTZ? won't bingo.
>Ruth_Hamilton: ADDEEJV N6 JADE +30 331
>JD: ?ACELRT 15D CARTELs +89 419
>JD: (DEV) +14 433
Player 2
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